On Tue, Nov 1, 2022 at 10:02 AM Surinder Mehra <redni...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Even if we have 2 copies of data and primary and backup copy would be
> stored in different AZs. My question remains valid in this case as well.

I think additional backup copies in the same AZ are superfluous if we start
with the assumption that multiple concurrent failures are most likely to
affect resources in the concurrent AZ. A second node failure, if that's
your failure budget, is likely to corrupt all the backup copies in the
second AZ.

If you only have two AZs available in some data centers/deployments, but
you need 3-way redundancy on certain caches/tables, then using AZ node
attribute for backup filtering is too coarse grained. Using AZ is a general
case best practice which gives your cluster the best chance of surviving
multiple hardware failures in AWS because they pool hardware resources in
AZs. Maybe you just need three AZs? Maybe AZ isn't the correct failure
domain for your use case?

> Do we have to ensure nodes in two AZs are always present or does ignite
> have a way to indicate it couldn't create backups. Silently killing backups
> is not desirable state.

Do you use synchronous or asynchronous backups?

You can periodically poll caches' configurations or hook a cluster state
event, and re-compare the cache backup configuration against the enumerated
available AZs, and raise an exception or log a message or whatever to
detect the issue as soon as AZ count drops below minimum. This way might
also be good for fuzzy warning condition detection point for proactive
infrastructure operations. If you count all of the nodes in each AZ, you
can detect and track AZ load imbalances as the ratio between the smallest
AZ node count and the average AZ node count.

> 2. In my original message with 2 nodes(node1 and node2) in AZ1, and
> 3rdnode in second AZ, backups of node1 and node2 would be placed one node 3
> in AZ2. It would mean it need to have 2X space to store backups.
> Just trying to ensure my understanding is correct.

If you have three nodes, you divide your total footprint by three to get
the minimum node capacity.

If you have 2 backups, that is one primary copy plus two more backup
copies, so you multiply your total footprint by 3.

If you multiply, say 32GB by three for redundancy, that would be 96GB total
space needed for the sum of all nodes' footprint.

If you divide the 96GB storage commitment among three nodes, then each node
must have a minimum of 32GB. That's what we started with as a nominal data
footprint, so 1x not 2x. Node 1 will need to accommodate backups from node
2 and node 3. Node 2 will need to accommodate backups from node 1 and node
3. Each node has one primary and two backup partition copies for each
partition of each cache with two backups.

> Hope my queries are clear to you now

I still don't understand your operational goals, so I feel like we may be
dancing around a misunderstanding.

> On Tue, 1 Nov 2022, 20:19 Surinder Mehra, <redni...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Thanks for your reply. Let me try to answer your 2 questions below.
>> 1. I understand that it sacrifices the backups incase it can't place
>> backups appropriately. Question is, is it possible to fail the deployment
>> rather than risking single copy of data present in cluster. If this only
>> copy goes down, we will have downtime as data won't be present in cluster.
>> We should rather throw error if enough hardware is not present than risking
>> data unavailability issue during business activity
>> 2. Why we want 3 copies of data. It's a design choice. We want to ensure
>> even if 2 nodes go down, we still have 3rd present to serve the data.
>> Hope I answered your question
>> On Tue, 1 Nov 2022, 19:40 Jeremy McMillan, <jeremy.mcmil...@gridgain.com>
>> wrote:
>>> This question is a design question.
>>> What kids of fault states do you expect to tolerate? What is your
>>> failure budget?
>>> Why are you trying to make more than 2 copies of the data distribute
>>> across only two failure domains?
>>> Also "fail fast" means discover your implementation defects faster than
>>> your release cycle, not how fast you can cause data loss.
>>> On Tue, Nov 1, 2022, 09:01 Surinder Mehra <redni...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> gentle reminder.
>>>> One additional question: We have observed that if available AZs are
>>>> less than backups count, ignite skips creating backups. Is this correct
>>>> understanding? If yes, how can we fail fast if backups can not be placed
>>>> due to AZ limitation?
>>>> On Mon, Oct 31, 2022 at 6:30 PM Surinder Mehra <redni...@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> As per link attached, to ensure primary and backup partitions are not
>>>>> stored on same node, We used AWS AZ as backup filter and now I can see if 
>>>>> I
>>>>> start two ignite nodes on the same machine, primary partitions are evenly
>>>>> distributed but backups are always zero which is expected.
>>>>> https://www.gridgain.com/docs/latest/installation-guide/aws/multiple-availability-zone-aws
>>>>> My question is what would happen if AZ-1 has 2 machines and AZ-2 has 1
>>>>> machine and ignite cluster has only 3 nodes, each machine having one 
>>>>> ignite
>>>>> node.
>>>>> Node1[AZ1] - keys 1-100
>>>>> Node2[AZ1] -  keys 101-200
>>>>> Node3[AZ2] - keys  201 -300
>>>>> In the above scenario, if the backup count is 2, how would back up
>>>>> partitions be distributed.
>>>>> 1. Would it mean node3 will have 2 backup copies of primary partitions
>>>>> of node 1 and 2 ?
>>>>> 2. If we have a 4 node cluster with 2 nodes in each AZ, would backup
>>>>> copies also be placed on different nodes(In other words, does the backup
>>>>> filter also apply to how backup copies are placed on nodes) ?

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