I cannot find that feature in m2e 1.5. When importing the projects I still
can select the same options how to deal with unresolved dependencies:
resolve later or do not execute.

Don't be upset, but I will stick to the solution I found in order not to
lose more time on this, at least for a while.

Mauro, thank you for comitting that file into the repository. I updated it
afterwards in this mailing list since I forgot one dependency.

On Tue, Apr 29, 2014 at 4:56 PM, Hans Schwäbli <bugs.need.love....@gmail.com
> wrote:

> Hello Gavião,
> maybe I didn't spend enough time to discover why it did not work after I
> found a solution. It had a lot of compile errors if I don't pre-build it
> outside Eclipse before importing it.
> I don't know if copying the settings.xml to the .m2 folder would fix the
> problem. I can put settings.xml anywhere with Eclipse as long as I tell
> Eclipse where that file is.
> I will try that experimental feature next time. I now upgraded m2e from
> 1.4 to 1.5.
> On Tue, Apr 29, 2014 at 4:21 PM, Cristiano Gavião <cvgav...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> On 29-04-2014 10:29, Hans Schwäbli wrote:
>>  It is a bit more tricky than I thought to get that sources working in
>> Eclipse.
>> First I have to check jbehave-core out. But then I don't must import it
>> into Eclipse. First I have to configure the settings.xml with the company
>> proxy settings I need and build everything with: mvn -s settings.xml clean
>> install -Dmaven.test.skip=true
>> why don't you just copy the profiles/repositories specified in the
>> provided settings.xml to your ~user/.m2/settings.xml?
>> If I don't do this but import the projects into Eclipse, then JBehave
>> dependencies are downloaded from the maven repository instead of using the
>> checked out ones.
>> Jbehave snapshots jars are not being deployed into any remote repository
>> (at least not that I know) so I think this is not true. m2e will get those
>> dependencies from your local repository only if they aren't imported in the
>> eclipse workspace...
>> Then I need to configure Eclipse so that it uses the Maven
>> lifecycleMappingMetadata. Below I updated it for the
>> maven-dependency-plugin exclusion (see below).
>> version 1.5 of m2e (
>> http://download.eclipse.org/technology/m2e/milestones/1.5 ) has the
>> feature that Mauro have said... it is just a matter of choose the option
>> and you don't need to deal with POM changes...
>> In Eclipse I must use the settings.xml file from JBehave.
>> Now I finally can import the projects into Eclipse (as Maven projects).
>> After it builds I have just one compile error: JRubySteps cannot be
>> resolved to a type. I can ignore that (delete the JRuby example project).
>> There are quite some pitfalls, at least for my brain.
>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>> <lifecycleMappingMetadata>
>>     <!-- Why this is needed for Eclipe:
>> http://wiki.eclipse.org/M2E_plugin_execution_not_covered -->
>>     <pluginExecutions>
>>         <pluginExecution>
>>             <pluginExecutionFilter>
>>                 <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
>>                 <artifactId>maven-dependency-plugin</artifactId>
>>                 <versionRange>[1.0.0,)</versionRange>
>>                 <goals>
>>                     <goal>copy-dependencies</goal>
>>                     <goal>unpack</goal>
>>                 </goals>
>>             </pluginExecutionFilter>
>>             <action>
>>                 <ignore />
>>             </action>
>>         </pluginExecution>
>>         <pluginExecution>
>>             <pluginExecutionFilter>
>>                 <groupId>org.jbehave</groupId>
>>                 <artifactId>
>>                     jbehave-maven-plugin
>>                 </artifactId>
>>                 <versionRange>
>>                     [3.10-SNAPSHOT,)
>>                 </versionRange>
>>                 <goals>
>>                     <goal>
>>                         unpack-view-resources
>>                     </goal>
>>                 </goals>
>>             </pluginExecutionFilter>
>>             <action>
>>                 <ignore></ignore>
>>             </action>
>>         </pluginExecution>
>>         <pluginExecution>
>>             <pluginExecutionFilter>
>>                 <groupId>
>>                     org.jvnet.hudson.tools
>>                 </groupId>
>>                 <artifactId>
>>                     maven-hpi-plugin
>>                 </artifactId>
>>                 <versionRange>
>>                     [3.0.1,)
>>                 </versionRange>
>>                 <goals>
>>                     <goal>insert-test</goal>
>>                     <goal>test-hpl</goal>
>>                     <goal>
>>                         resolve-test-dependencies
>>                     </goal>
>>                 </goals>
>>             </pluginExecutionFilter>
>>             <action>
>>                 <ignore></ignore>
>>             </action>
>>         </pluginExecution>
>>         <pluginExecution>
>>             <pluginExecutionFilter>
>>                 <groupId>org.scala-tools</groupId>
>>                 <artifactId>
>>                     maven-scala-plugin
>>                 </artifactId>
>>                 <versionRange>
>>                     [2.9.1,)
>>                 </versionRange>
>>                 <goals>
>>                     <goal>add-source</goal>
>>                     <goal>compile</goal>
>>                     <goal>testCompile</goal>
>>                 </goals>
>>             </pluginExecutionFilter>
>>             <action>
>>                 <ignore></ignore>
>>             </action>
>>         </pluginExecution>
>>         <pluginExecution>
>>             <pluginExecutionFilter>
>>                 <groupId>de.saumya.mojo</groupId>
>>                 <artifactId>
>>                     jruby-maven-plugin
>>                 </artifactId>
>>                 <versionRange>
>>                     [0.29.1,)
>>                 </versionRange>
>>                 <goals>
>>                     <goal>compile</goal>
>>                 </goals>
>>             </pluginExecutionFilter>
>>             <action>
>>                 <ignore></ignore>
>>             </action>
>>         </pluginExecution>
>>     </pluginExecutions>
>> </lifecycleMappingMetadata>
>> On Tue, Apr 29, 2014 at 12:59 PM, Hans Schwäbli <
>> bugs.need.love....@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>  Maybe Eclipse 4.4 has this feature, I haven't discovered it in 4.3.
>>> I created a lifecycle mappings metadata which solves this problem (such
>>> things could be added to a Wiki for instance):
>>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>>> <lifecycleMappingMetadata>
>>>     <!-- Why this is needed for Eclipe:
>>> http://wiki.eclipse.org/M2E_plugin_execution_not_covered -->
>>>     <pluginExecutions>
>>>         <pluginExecution>
>>>             <pluginExecutionFilter>
>>>                 <groupId>org.jbehave</groupId>
>>>                 <artifactId>
>>>                     jbehave-maven-plugin
>>>                 </artifactId>
>>>                 <versionRange>
>>>                     [4.0-SNAPSHOT,)
>>>                 </versionRange>
>>>                 <goals>
>>>                     <goal>
>>>                         unpack-view-resources
>>>                     </goal>
>>>                 </goals>
>>>             </pluginExecutionFilter>
>>>             <action>
>>>                 <ignore></ignore>
>>>             </action>
>>>         </pluginExecution>
>>>         <pluginExecution>
>>>             <pluginExecutionFilter>
>>>                 <groupId>
>>>                     org.jvnet.hudson.tools
>>>                 </groupId>
>>>                 <artifactId>
>>>                     maven-hpi-plugin
>>>                 </artifactId>
>>>                 <versionRange>
>>>                     [3.0.1,)
>>>                 </versionRange>
>>>                 <goals>
>>>                     <goal>insert-test</goal>
>>>                     <goal>test-hpl</goal>
>>>                     <goal>
>>>                         resolve-test-dependencies
>>>                     </goal>
>>>                 </goals>
>>>             </pluginExecutionFilter>
>>>             <action>
>>>                 <ignore></ignore>
>>>             </action>
>>>         </pluginExecution>
>>>         <pluginExecution>
>>>             <pluginExecutionFilter>
>>>                 <groupId>org.scala-tools</groupId>
>>>                 <artifactId>
>>>                     maven-scala-plugin
>>>                 </artifactId>
>>>                 <versionRange>
>>>                     [2.9.1,)
>>>                 </versionRange>
>>>                 <goals>
>>>                     <goal>add-source</goal>
>>>                     <goal>compile</goal>
>>>                     <goal>testCompile</goal>
>>>                 </goals>
>>>             </pluginExecutionFilter>
>>>             <action>
>>>                 <ignore></ignore>
>>>             </action>
>>>         </pluginExecution>
>>>         <pluginExecution>
>>>             <pluginExecutionFilter>
>>>                 <groupId>de.saumya.mojo</groupId>
>>>                 <artifactId>
>>>                     jruby-maven-plugin
>>>                 </artifactId>
>>>                 <versionRange>
>>>                     [0.29.1,)
>>>                 </versionRange>
>>>                 <goals>
>>>                     <goal>compile</goal>
>>>                 </goals>
>>>             </pluginExecutionFilter>
>>>             <action>
>>>                 <ignore></ignore>
>>>             </action>
>>>         </pluginExecution>
>>>     </pluginExecutions>
>>> </lifecycleMappingMetadata>
>>> On Mon, Apr 28, 2014 at 11:02 PM, Mauro Talevi <
>>> mauro.tal...@aquilonia.org> wrote:
>>>>  Yes, the m2e plugin is very annoying in this.   IMO it's one of the
>>>> worst design decisions they've made when migrating from the original
>>>> m2eclipse plugin.  But with recent versions, Eclipse allows you to mark as
>>>> ignored these errors without modifying the pom.xml.   The feature is marked
>>>> as experimental but it's stable and works fine.  It stores the info to be
>>>> ignored in the workspace (I'm not sure if it can exported and re-imported
>>>> easily though).
>>>> This is why the source code is not polluted with the pom.xml
>>>> modifications - as you say to preserve IDE neutrality.
>>>> On 28/04/2014 14:46, Hans Schwäbli wrote:
>>>>  Thank you.
>>>> I forgot about the page which explains the JBehave source building. So
>>>> I didn't see that I need to use that settings.xml file.
>>>> But I think my biggest mistake was when importing the maven project
>>>> into Eclipse. The import wizard shows me the plugins which can't be found.
>>>> There I can choose in a little dropdown that m2e writes into the pom.xml
>>>> that these plugins are ignored.
>>>> It works now with that approach.
>>>> However, you could add these settings into the pom.xml parent file, so
>>>> it would be no problem to import the maven projects into Eclipse. But I am
>>>> afraid that you want to be IDE neutral. In that case a documentation on how
>>>> to import JBehave sources into Eclipse would be nice. I would be willing to
>>>> contribute if you provide some Wiki for JBehave (because I cannot commit
>>>> anything in Github from the company and it is too much overhead to create
>>>> HTML pages for me).
>>>> On Fri, Apr 25, 2014 at 4:49 PM, Cristiano Gavião 
>>>> <cvgav...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>>> first things you must learn before are:
>>>>> - how works a maven settings.xml and how to set it in your machine;
>>>>> - how m2e works related to a pure maven outside eclipse...
>>>>> - how to make m2e ignore unsupported plugins...
>>>>> here you have tips how to build outside eclipse:
>>>>> http://jbehave.org/reference/latest/building-source.html
>>>>> for the rest, I'm sure you will find lot of materials on the net...
>>>>> Cristiano
>>>>> On 25-04-2014 10 <25-04-2014%2010>:34, Hans Schwäbli wrote:
>>>>>> I try to import the projects of jbehave-core (branch 4.x) into
>>>>>> Eclipse Kepler as Maven projects.
>>>>>> It causes a lot of problems: 127 errors (compile and pom problems).
>>>>>> For example the error in jbehave-core\examples\core\pom.xml is:
>>>>>> "Multiple annotations found at this line:
>>>>>> - maven-dependency-plugin (goals "copy-dependencies", "unpack") is
>>>>>> not supported by m2e.
>>>>>> - Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration:
>>>>>> org.jbehave:jbehave-maven-plugin:4.0-SNAPSHOT:unpack-view-resources
>>>>>> (execution: unpack-view-resources, phase: process-
>>>>>> resources)"
>>>>>> And for many other poms:
>>>>>> "Could not find artifact
>>>>>> org.jbehave:jbehave-maven-plugin:pom:4.0-SNAPSHOT"
>>>>>> And:
>>>>>> "Project build error: Unknown packaging: hpi"
>>>>>> And if I build jbehave-core with maven (clean install without tests),
>>>>>> then It fails with this error quite early at JBehave Hudson Plugin:
>>>>>> [ERROR] Failed to execute goal
>>>>>> org.kohsuke:access-modifier-checker:1.4:enforce (default-enforce) on
>>>>>> project jbehave-hudson-plugin: Execution default-enforce of goal
>>>>>> org.kohsuke:access-modifier-checker:1.4:enforce failed: Plugin
>>>>>> org.kohsuke:access-modifier-checker:1.4 or one of its dependencies could
>>>>>> not be resolved: Could not find artifact
>>>>>> org.jenkins-ci:annotation-indexer:jar:1.4 in Central (
>>>>>> http://repo1.maven.org/maven2) -> [Help 1]
>>>>>> What is the problem? Or how do you get working projects of it in
>>>>>> Eclipse after cloning it from Github?
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