FYI, roadmap wiki is now a table - when adding a feature, please put any
JIRAs related to it in there and the status of work on the feature.


On Mon, Jun 24, 2013 at 4:03 PM, Andrew Bayer <>wrote:

> So, this came up on IRC and it seems like it should be proposed here on
> the list. =)
> We should have a regular release cadence, at least for maintenance
> releases of the current stable release (i.e., currently, the 1.6.x train).
> That will let us be sure of roughly how long it'll be before a fix is
> available in a release once that fix goes in - that's awfully handy for the
> downstream consumers of jclouds, so they can know when they'll be able to
> incorporate the fixes into their own releases.
> The consensus on IRC is to aim at a 6 week cadence for maintenance
> releases - with the clock starting when the previous release officially
> releases. That would mean that the clock started last Wednesday for
> 1.6.2-incubating, and it'll be scheduled for Wednesday, August 1st. Now,
> obviously, the scheduling won't be perfect - we'll have to deal with a week
> or so for release votes and iterations of RCs, but we can keep that from
> blocking changes for the next maintenance release by doing releases off a
> 1.6.2 (etc) branch. And I am willing to guarantee that the next release
> will have a *much* faster turnaround than 1.6.1-incubating did. =)
> What do you all think about this idea?
> On a related note, I'd also like to try to come up with a target date for
> 1.7.0 release (and there is a real possibility we'll shift that to 2.0.0,
> given the package name changes, but that's neither here nor there), and
> along with that, a roadmap for what exactly will be done for 1.7.0. I
> personally think that setting a target date will make it a lot easier for
> us to limit our ambitions for the roadmap, so I'm going to propose a very
> tentative date of October 1st, with the understanding that there's almost
> no chance we actually release then. =) I've also put up a wiki page for
> collecting roadmap ideas/concrete plans/etc -
> I should mention that I will almost certainly *not* be able to
> release-manage 1.7.0, on account of being out of town from around October
> 8th until just about the end of the month, and for two weeks of that, I'll
> be driving around Central Europe with my mom. Soooooo, yeah. It'd be great
> if someone would be willing to step up and be RM for 1.7.0 - that's
> probably going to be a harder job than being 1.6.2 RM, since someone's got
> to build consensus around the feature roadmap and then build consensus on
> what gets dropped when it's not ready on time vs what we delay the release
> for,, volunteers needed! =)
> A.

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