
    1) thank you for a great post:

    2) in your example, you use <packaging>pom</packaging>
    to use pom as descriptor document for other feature(s) assembly;

    3) I am trying to follow your post and to create feature for
    so it will include in the final feature.xml and in the
    target/assembly folder
    both its own bundle jar and also this' bundle dependencies;

    so in my case project pom is a self-descriptor document : self
    bundle + dependencies;

    I get both self bundle entry and dependency entires OK in the final

    I also get all the dependencies jar OK in the target/assembly,
    but the main self bundle jar is missing form target/assembly :-)

    can you please let me know
    which obvious setting do I miss for
    karaf-maven-plugin / maven-bundle-plugin?

    probably you cold link to a working example somewhere?

    4) the intent of this exercise is to be able to produce
    a) feature.xml
    b) maven-standard-layout assembly of main bundle jar plus all
    dependency bundle jars
    for deployment to s3 via

    Thank you,


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