
I have another question regarding Karaf and deployments.  I was hoping
maybe some others could chime in on how they deal with the following

I've been working on a fairly complex Karaf based application.  I'm using
features heavily to allow deploying the correct resources in different
environments (configuration and bundles).  I find it works very well except
for a couple situations:

1.  Unit testing.  It's hard to unit test things like camel routes since I
have ended up basically marking all bundle dependencies as provided (in
order to keep the created features files .  So if I try to unit test a
Camel route, transitive dependencies have to be directly added to the
project pom.

2.  I have all my configurations defined in a maven project for assembling
the final features xml file.  This of course doesn't make it easy to use
any of those configurations in camel integration tests since configurations
needed for config admin would have to be added to the projects test

Obviously the two brief examples above focus mostly on Camel, but the main
problem is that I'm trying to figure out how I can no longer make
everything provided in my bundle project provided scope without having to
manually maintain the features files.

That being said, I was looking at Apache Ace, but I'm not sure if using
Apache Ace would cause it to be more work to do Karaf integration testing
since Apache Ace doesn't use Karaf features.  I thought about maybe using
OBR, but we use Artifactory and so I'm not sure if going down the OBR route
might ultimately not be possible (I could be wrong but Artifactory doesn't
appear to have OBR support), also I read that OSGi has moved away from OBR
to different repository mechanism (forget offhand what it's called).  I
looked into Apache Cave, but I don't want to rock the boat where I'm at yet
since I'm the only one pushing Karaf and OSGi currently.  I don't want to
try to push things out of my organizations comfort zone by getting too
radical in my project deployment.  I haven't gotten to read into the Karaf
4.0 profiles yet.

What it really boils down to is that I'm not sure which deployment approach
with Karaf would be the best to use out of all the options with the goal of
moving to a continuous deployment model.

Hoping someone might be willing to comment on how they solved these issues
or maybe what direction I should look at going down that will allow me to
improve these aspects.  It took me a while to get things where they are at,
I want to be pretty confident in what path I go down next since if it
doesn't pan out, it will be a lot of potentially wasted time and effort. :)

Thanks in advance for any thoughts/suggestions.


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