You need both. During active development you want to use the newest
dependency .. at least for your own artifacts .. sometimes also for remote
ones. Then once you do a release you of course want it to be completely
static and not change over time.


2017-06-15 13:12 GMT+02:00 David Leangen <>:

> Hi Christian,
> I don’t know. I think I rather like the idea of the curated repositories
> that I know won’t shift over time. I can package up a small OBR (with URLs
> related to the index file) and deploy it somewhere. I can have very fine
> grained management of my “sets” (I’ll refrain from calling them
> “features”), including versioned “sets” so I can easily roll back to a
> previously known working state if needed.
> I believe that this is how bnd/enroute is intended to work.
> Otherwise, you get pure chaos, like the npm world, which works one day and
> is broken the next because a butterfly in China flapped its wings.
> (By the way, OBR or Maven, either way I don’t mind, but it’s the
> predictability/stability that is important to me.)
> Cheers,
> =David
> On Jun 15, 2017, at 4:54 PM, Christian Schneider <>
> wrote:
> Without mvn urls you can either use file urls or http urls. Both suck in
> some important regards:
> A file url requires that the refered jar resides near the OBR. Today most
> people work with maven repos. So a natural place for an artifact is the
> local maven repository. It is difficult to point a file url to it as it
> will always be depending on the user setup.
> As a workaround file urls worked well for me in bndtools. What I did was
> to always generrate my OBR content during the build so it was no problem
> that the urls depend on my setup.
> This means though that you can never publish the contents of the OBR. The
> good thing is that you can work with maven SNAPSHOTs this way.
> For http urls you can point to the http url of a jar in a maven repo like
> maven central .. there are many downsides though.
> 1. The url is absolute. So you always point to a certain external
> resource. So you need additional measures if you want to cache the artifact
> locally.
> 2. For maven snapshots the urls in a remote maven repo always change. So
> you can not point to the newest snapshot which you want to do during active
> development
> 3. These absolute urls make you dependent on the external repo
> availability and you need to open your firewall to access it.
> mvn urls on the other hand work extremly well in enterprise environments
> as you can leverage local mvn proxies. You can also access secured
> reporitories that require authentication.
> So if you really try to use plain OBR without mvn urls in a maven build it
> sucks a lot. This is why Peter did the mvn based repos in bndtools 3.3.0. I
> discussed a lot with him about these. The current state works quite well
> but unfortunately it is completely outside the OBR spec. So I hope we see
> improvements in the spec so we can have both a solution that is sec
> compliant and works well for maven builds.
> Actually I think this is not only about maven builds. It is about using
> maven repos which is also very relevant for gradle and other builds.
> Christian
> 2017-06-15 8:51 GMT+02:00 David Leangen <>:
>> Hi Christian,
>> Thanks for this information.
>> > There is one big downside to OBR unfortunately. Inside OBR the content
>> of bundles needs to be refered as a url. While karaf can work with mvn urls
>> other systems like bndtools can not. Now the problem is that you can not
>> populate an OBR well without maven urls if your artifacts reside in maven
>> and you also want to use maven SNAPSHOTs.
>> My understanding is that this is very much by design. The reason is to
>> have a “strongly” curated repository to promote well-behaved and
>> predictable builds and deployments.
>> I could be wrong. Maybe would be good to verify with some of the alliance
>> peeps.
>> > Another solution is to consider the OBR just as a cache and define the
>> list of bundles in a pom. Bndtools is going that way and I think karaf
>> could do the same. So a feature could simply point to a pom or when
>> deployed to maven we could assume to use the pom of the project the feature
>> resides in as default. This would allow to simply define OBRs by using a
>> pom.
>> You think bndtools is going that way? Or rather, they are just trying to
>> bring in more Maven people? I don’t understand what the purpose would be.
>> If the bundles are already defined in the OBR, why have a second list?
>> Cheers,
>> =David
>> > On Jun 15, 2017, at 3:18 PM, Christian Schneider <
>>> wrote:
>> >
>> > There is one big downside to OBR unfortunately. Inside OBR the content
>> of bundles needs to be refered as a url. While karaf can work with mvn urls
>> other systems like bndtools can not. Now the problem is that you can not
>> populate an OBR well without maven urls if your artifacts reside in maven
>> and you also want to use maven SNAPSHOTs.
>> >
>> > So I think there is a gap in OBR that needs to be closed. One solution
>> would be to add the mvn urls to the spec so they are universally accepted.
>> >
>> > Another solution is to consider the OBR just as a cache and define the
>> list of bundles in a pom. Bndtools is going that way and I think karaf
>> could do the same. So a feature could simply point to a pom or when
>> deployed to maven we could assume to use the pom of the project the feature
>> resides in as default. This would allow to simply define OBRs by using a
>> pom.
>> >
>> > Christian
>> >
>> >
>> > 2017-06-14 23:58 GMT+02:00 David Leangen <>:
>> >
>> > Hi Guillaume,
>> >
>> > Thank you for this assessment.
>> >
>> > I agree that Features adds value. Your post explains a lot of good
>> reasons why this is so.
>> >
>> > My question is more about “why compete with OBR?”. Instead of embracing
>> OBR and working on top of it, it seems that Features want to replace it.
>> This is causing me to have to make a lot of choices in my deployment
>> mechanism.
>> >
>> > Features could be really helpful for deployment by managing OBRs,
>> configurations, and other deployment information. They could also manage
>> versioning better etc. Maybe something like what Apache ACE was trying to
>> do. However, instead of “adding” value, currently Features are completely
>> replacing OBR, which I find interesting. But I understand that there is
>> some legacy to this. Now that it works, it would take some momentum to move
>> to a more standards-based approach.
>> >
>> >
>> > My current issue is: how can I use Features for Continuous Deployment?
>> I am having trouble with automation. That is what got me interested in the
>> idea behind the Features…
>> >
>> >
>> > Cheers,
>> > =David
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >> On Jun 15, 2017, at 6:38 AM, Guillaume Nodet <>
>> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> So if you consider an OBR as being a collection of resources, each
>> resource having capabilities and requirements, then a feature repository is
>> an OBR repository, it's just the syntax is more concise.
>> >> If you want to look at what the repository look like, you can launch
>> the following command in karaf:
>> >>   > feature:install --store resolution.json --verbose --simulate  scr
>> >>
>> >> Then, look at the resolution.json file, it will contain the OBR
>> repository used by the resolver in a json format.  The xml syntax would be
>> slightly different of course, and a bit more verbose too, but roughly the
>> same data.
>> >> I do think the features syntax is a bit more understandable.
>> >>
>> >> But you do not want to compare OBR and features.  I haven't seen any
>> OBR repository used which would contain other things than just OSGi bundles.
>> >> Features is more a deployment artifact than an OSGi bundle, so it's
>> more to be compared with OSGi subsystems.
>> >>
>> >> With pure OBR, you can't group bundles together, you usually don't
>> want to edit such a repository file manually, so at the end, you can never
>> really hack the content.  It has to be generated, and is mostly generated
>> only from a set of OSGi bundles.  You can't capture all the constraints by
>> using bundles only.
>> >>
>> >> 2017-06-14 7:49 GMT+02:00 David Leangen <>:
>> >>
>> >> Hi!
>> >>
>> >> I am trying to wrap my head around the differences between an OBR and
>> a Karaf Feature. The concepts seem to be overlapping.
>> >>
>> >> An OBR has an index of the contained bundles, as well as meta
>> information, which includes requirements and capabilities. An OBR is
>> therefore very useful for resolving bundles, and partitioning bundles into
>> some kind of category. It can also be versioned, and can contained
>> different versions of bundles. An OBR could potentially be used to keep
>> snapshots of system releases. I believe that this is somewhat how Apache
>> ACE works. (A Distribution can be rolled back by simply referring to a
>> different OBR and allowing the system to re-resolve.) The actual bundles
>> need to be stored somewhere. The OBR index needs to provide links to that
>> storage.
>> >>
>> >> A Karaf Feature is basically an index of bundles (and configurations),
>> too. I think that it can also be versioned, and can contain different
>> versions of bundles. Like an OBR, it is very useful for partitioning
>> bundles into some kind of category, so the groups of bundles can be
>> manipulated as a single unit. Just like an OBR, the Karaf Feature also
>> needs to provide a link to the bundles. AFAIU, resolution is done somehow
>> in Karaf, based on the bundles available via the Features, so in the end
>> the entire mechanism seems almost identical to what the OBR is doing.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> So many similarities!
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> I understand that a Feature can include configurations, which is nice,
>> but why have a competing non-official standard against an official
>> standard? If configurations is the only problem, then why not build it on
>> top of OBRs, rather than creating something completely new and different
>> and competing?
>> >>
>> >> Is it to try to force lock-in to Karaf? Or am I completely missing
>> something?
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> Thanks for explaining! :-)
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> Cheers,
>> >> =David
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> --
>> >> ------------------------
>> >> Guillaume Nodet
>> >>
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > --
>> > --
>> > Christian Schneider
>> >
>> >
>> > Open Source Architect
>> >
> --
> --
> Christian Schneider
> <>
> Open Source Architect
> <>

Christian Schneider

Open Source Architect

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