
did you try the global update policy to always to get the new SNAPSHOT from remote repo ?

By the way, I'm adding "deployment tooling" in Cave right now (allowing to explode a kar, create meta feature assembling existing features, ...).


On 06/15/2017 08:53 PM, Steinar Bang wrote:
David Leangen <apa...@leangen.net>:

My current issue is: how can I use Features for Continuous Deployment?
I am having trouble with automation. That is what got me interested in
the idea behind the Features…

It doesn't involve features, except for the installation, but I do this:
  1. Use maven to build the bundles (and the features)
  2. Use a -SNAPSHOT version
  3. Create a new version and push to github
  4. As the user karaf is running under (actually user "karaf" on my
     debian server):
      a. Clone the github repo
      b. Install the features
      c. Do the command "bundle:watch *" (which makes karaf keep an eye
         out for updates to -SNAPSHOT version'ed bundles in user
         "karaf"'s local repository, ie ~karaf/.m2/repository/ )
   5. When I want to deploy an update, I:
      a. Push it to github
      b. On the server "ssh -p 8101 karaf@localhost" (to log in as user
      c. From the karaf console run shell script that cd's to the cloned
         git project, do a git pull, followed by a "mvn clean install"
      d. Once new versions of the -SNAPSHOT bundles are installed into
         ~karaf/.m2/repository, karaf will pick them up and reinstall

My intention is to replace the manual step 5b. with a github webhook
(triggering the shell script doing the build from the karaf console has
been a proof of concept for this).

Jean-Baptiste Onofré
Talend - http://www.talend.com

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