Hi Ranx,

I haven’t been actively involved in osgi for a couple of years, and things 
aren’t quite where I thought.  The enterprise R7 spec is apparently not yet 
released, but there’s been at least one public draft including the cdi 
integration spec:

Guillaume’s GitHub is not the same as apache aries. I was referring to the 
actual aries project at 
which is definitely under active development.  Since the version is 
0.0.2-SNAPSHOT  I think there might have been a 0.0.1 release, but I don’t 
know.  I expect there will be a 1.0 release when the spec is released.

As I recall Guillaume had some concerns about the technical direction the spec 
integration was heading in, but however valid those may have been I fear his 
solo project is unlikely to have a long term future with the spec integration 
in place.

David Jencks

> On Oct 18, 2018, at 11:21 AM, Ranx <r...@enjekt.org> wrote:
> David,
> Thanks again. I just looked at the Aries and PAX CDI.
> https://github.com/gnodet/aries-cdi
> https://github.com/ops4j/org.ops4j.pax.cdi
> Obviously Guillaume is involved on both but it doesn't look like anything
> was done on the Aries version for the past couple of years. I wonder if he
> just transferred this to PAX and continued the work there?
> Anyone know?
> Ranx
> --
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