
I've looked at the examples and like them quite a bit. An obvious problem
for samples and documentation across a lot of this whether it is OSGi or
Camel is that most focus on obvious problems of how the mechanics work.
Larger integration and testing patterns tend to get short shrift. 

How do I create a REST service, transform to domain models, route, enrich,
manipulate and then call an OSGi service to handle sending that data to a
database which in turn uses PAX JDBC to bootstrap the JDBC connection and
export it as a Datsource with JNDI filtering? Those are basic integrations
which usually don't have good answers in a holistic sense. The follow up
questions then are how do I develop that in a test driven fashion and what
are the general guidelines to it. 

None of that is rocket science but for a new developer walking into it they
find it frustrating that they have so much power at their fingertips but
can't grok the whole picture. And, of course, such answers commonly span
frameworks. Is that scenario, just described, one for Karaf, Camel, PAX-JDBC
or none of the above. There are good answers to those questions and the
patterns to use and the way to do that in a test driven fashion. 

I believe Christian has written some tutorials along those lines. In any
case, when I set up the prototype and proof of concepts for my client(s),
that's how I like it to be laid out so they are coloring between the lines,
so to speak and can see how it all fits together and how the pieces/bundles
stand alone as well.

I'm also trying to make sure I'm following best practices in terms of using
OSGi while making it easier for newbie OSGi developers to get into. 

It sounds like CDI isn't in prime time shape right now for OSGi. One of the
issues that is probably just an anal personality quirk of my own is that I
don't like using Camels @BeanInject to inject an OSGi service from Blueprint
into my bean/handlers or routes or @PropertyInject to inject substitution
variables for route endpoints. But it does work. If the CDI were farther
along then maybe that would be usable instead.

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