Note that there is now an OSGI CDI spec with the reference implementation part 
of Apache Aries.  Whatever the technical tradeoffs between this and the PAX CDI 
one I suspect the latter is not going to be vigorously maintained.

While blueprint certainly works I think that using it is likely to distract 
from the benefits of an OSGI service model; IMO there’s a big impedance 
mismatch between the mental models of blueprint and OSGI services making it 
hard to smoothly flow into creating well designed services.  I have no 
experience or opinion about the CDI approaches.

David Jencks

> On Oct 17, 2018, at 12:42 PM, Ranx <> wrote:
> I've been using Blueprint for a few years now and a couple of years ago I was
> kicking the tires on DS and CDI. At the time there was a vigorous debate
> about the future of OSGi and the place for Blueprint, DS and CDI. I've been
> developing in Fuse primarily so was stuck with Karaf 2.x and the standard
> libraries. However, I'm going to be doing a Fuse 7 prototype and generating
> recommendations for a new clean room implementation and some porting of
> older bundles as well. 
> From what I could tell the use of CDI with DS under the covers was
> attempting to solve three problems - (1) it would use the better service
> mechanics of DS, (2) provide the dependency injection wire up that DS lacks,
> and (3) use a standard paradigm that J2EE developers would find comfortable. 
> PAX CDI was kicking off at the time and a 1.0 final was released in February
> of this year (2018). But I don't see a lot of activity.
> It's well and fine that all those technologies can pay together in the same
> sandbox but I go into clients all the time and a lot of what I do is mentor
> them on how to use the stack and especially how to test their code during
> development. Teaching different modalities isn't realistic. 
> Normally that would militate toward adopting Blueprint and the Karaf/PAX
> team have done good work at keeping it moving forward. But it doesn't appear
> to be tied into much of what is happening with the OSGi alliance and their
> directions. 
> Are the trade offs today the same as when that discussion happened here in
> 2016 or have things shifted since then. 
> Any insights would be helpful. 
> Thanks, 
> Ranx 
> --
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