Thanks for the feedback. I'll check out the blog and look at where you've
been going.

This is sort of on track for what I'm thinking about. One has to read
between the lines a bit because the example is using VirtualBox and Docker
but OSv is the microkernel being used. In reality, what I'd be after is the
microkernel - OSv or Mirage or whatever - directly running on the
hypervisor. Which is what OSv and other ukernels are really designed for.

What I wasn't sure about until I read this is one of the microkernels
running Java. Obviously once one has a JVM running then putting Karaf/Felix
on it is possible. 


>From what I understand microkernels generally only permit a single process
to be booted. That can be a big challenge for many applications and 
architectures. Karaf has long worked in a way that when it runs on a VM you
really don't have to log into the VM itself because all the tools are built
in. That makes it ideal for use in a microkernel because I don't believe
most microkernels provide command lines or log ins. 

Think about a compare and contrast of Karaf running on OSv versus Spring
Boot. Karaf would run on the JVM and you could SSH in or go to Hawtio or
interact with it and its file system in many different manners. With Spring
Boot, once you've run it on the microkernel that's it. You can't log into it
or look at its file system or tweak configurations for the running instance. 

Hypervisor->OSv ukernel->JVM->Karaf

Very fast start up. Low overhead. JVM running in kernel mode with privileged
acess and low latency. Karaf console/SSH, Maven deployment of artifacts,

While I understand Docker and Kubernetes, I've always thought of it as an
"elegant hack". Virtual machines are big and slow and resource hungry so how
do we get around that problem? Hack security barriers into the virtual
machine to partition it and then create management technologies. It seems to
solve the problem at the wrong level of abstraction and with Java that
creates a problem - the JVM isn't shared across Docker images.

So we end up with a way to share the resources of a virtual machine with
multiple Docker images but if they are JVM based, each JVM is going to grab
its own chunk of threads, memory and so on. Of course, if you're running
Spring Boot instance then each of those instances loads a large number of
identical classes and bytecode - even if it is just the JDK. That problem
persists even if you run Spring Boot on a microkernel.

Running Karaf on a microkernel is another matter. If I structure my features
along functional lines I can install them all in one Karaf container or if I
want to break them out later I can run them in separate containers in their
own microkernel instance. Obviously that's not unique to microkernels as you
can do that today in Docker images if you desired. But Karaf in Docker
doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

But let's get to the original problem - VMs are big and slow and take a lot
of resources to boot up an operating system that lets your run your
applications. Docker partitions the VM to make it a little more parsimonious
and faster.  Kubernetes manages the resources for you. Now, let's get rid of
the VM, Docker and Kubernetes and run a microkernel directly on the
hypervisor which spins up a JVM and Karaf. Fast. Streamlined. Managing my
Java applications on that stack is no different than interacting with it
running on my desktop or on a server or on a VM or in a Docker image running
in a VM. 

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