Perhaps my question could also be phrased as:

What happens if tx.finish() is never called? I don't know what tomcat
does when it times out, but I expect it might kill the running servlet
quite "brutally".


On 5/10/08, Philip Jägenstedt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi again,
>  By accident (as usual) I stumbled across a new problem. I don't really
>  have the transaction handling under control, and am creating a lot of
>  new nodes and indexing them all in one transaction. At one time I got
>  a server timeout or similar, which I though would cause the
>  transaction to fail. However, it seems that the index has been updated
>  anyway because I am now getting a lovely excpetion:
>  org.neo4j.impl.core.NotFoundException: Node[41] not found.
>         org.neo4j.impl.core.NodeManager.getNodeForProxy(
>         org.neo4j.impl.core.NodeProxy.getSingleRelationship(
>         org.neo4j.util.btree.TreeNode.getFirstEntry(
>         org.neo4j.util.btree.TreeNode.getEntry(
>         org.neo4j.util.btree.BTree.getAsKeyEntry(
> org.neo4j.util.index.AbstractIndex.getSingleNodeFor(
> org.neo4j.util.index.MultiValueIndex.getSingleNodeFor(
> org.neo4j.util.index.NeoIndexService.getSingleNode(
> org.foolip.mushup.MushArtistFactory.getArtistById(
>         org.foolip.mushup.Info.doGet(
>         javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
>         javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
>         sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
> sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
> sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
>         java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
> Method)
>  Most of that is irrelevant, but anyway... does the indexing service do
>  some transaction handling internally, how ought I write my code to
>  guarantee that this can't happen?
>  Philip
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