On 5/10/08, Johan Svensson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> If tx.finish() is never called the transaction will never be committed
>  or rolled back (holding locks/memory).

I only have a single transaction wrapping everything I do for the
entire request. Not nice maybe, I'm trying to work out some better way
to split it. In any event, it is precisely on the form that you've
written here, but after the request fails once (due to
ServletException thrown when the MusicBrainz webservice is overloaded)
it seems that the indexes created in that very transaction block have
not been rolled back, because next time I run it seems like there's a
hit in the index, followed by a NotFoundException. I can reproduce
this seemingly reliably (well, it depends on the musicbrainz
webservice getting overloaded, but anyway) if I shut down tomcat,
remove my data store and run from scratch.

In other words, the index seems to have been updated/not rolled back
even though I never called success().



> When manually managing transactions always make use of a try finally block:

Is there a non-manual way to handle transactions? Sounds comfortable...

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