At 21:41 +0200 8/3/09, Anders Nawroth wrote:
> ... the HowTos in the wiki would have to provide what's needed
> to get up and running using the different languages with Neo4j.
> So I guess it will be everything from a link or two to more
> extensive guides.

If the "link or two" lead to very specific notes on setting up
Neo4j for the language, that's fine.  In most cases, however, I
suspect that external language documentation won't know (or care)
about Neo4j.  In these cases, the "very specific notes" will need
to go in the HowTos.

By way of clarification, most newbies are not interested in doing
a research project, just in order to get going.  So, it's a good
idea to offer some instant gratification, to give the newby the
feeling that this isn't going to be a long, hard slog.

Speaking for myself, I prefer packages that I can install by a
double-click on the OSX package.  After that come things that I
can set up by following explicit and _tested_ instructions.  If
even these aren't available, I ask myself how much I care...

--            Rich Morin     +1 650-873-7841

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