On Sun, Oct 11, 2009 at 6:01 PM, Marc Preddie <mpred...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Johan,
> That's what I initially suspected, and so I ran a small test to output the
> relationship in question, and there is only one.
> But wouldn't the same error occur when using a single thread, if there were
> more than one relationship of the same type and I invoked
> getSingleRelationship...

If there is no writing going on it shouldn't matter if you are reading
with one or many threads, they should all return the same

> If it helps at all I'm running on winxp 64bit.
> I'm going to try to replicate the issue with using a small sample and if I
> can, would it be helpful to send it you?

It would be very helpful if you can send me sample code that reproduce
the issue.

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