Honestly, I've handled package naming both ways and have yet to settle
on a preferred scheme. I like the explicitness of a *.api making it
obvious where to find the public interface for bundle services. But,
if a bundle is more of a library, then I expect the top-level package
to have what I want. Also, when I don't see a *.api, I assume the
top-level has the public interfaces for services. 

So, for services: *.api and !*.impl !*.internal
For libraries: !*.internal

But, I haven't got strong feelings about it. Just export !*.internal
and OSGi is happy. 


ps. For reference, the excellent pax-construct example code uses the
top-level package for the public interfaces and *.internal for the
implementation classes, making it a pseudo-standard in my mind. 

On Jan 6, 2010, at 4:26 PM, Peter Neubauer wrote:

> Hi there,
> from an OSGi perspective, everything between bundles is handled on
> package level. From that perspective, separation of api and impl (and
> others) is better separated via org.neo4j.api and org.neo4j.impl etc.
> Otherwise, e.g. the org.neo4j.* would be exported from the bundle
> containing the api, and any other bundle exporting e.g. some
> implementation would be hard to separate from that since it exports
> "child" package names to the first one. So, in the OSGi world of
> things this is handled by parallel naming schemes like *.api and
> *.impl.simple, *.internal etc etc.
> Just my 2c, WDYT Andreas Kolleger?
> Cheers,
> /peter neubauer
> COO and Sales, Neo Technology
> GTalk:      neubauer.peter
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> http://www.neo4j.org                - Relationships count.
> http://gremlin.tinkerpop.com    - PageRank in 2 lines of code.
> http://www.linkedprocess.org   - Computing at LinkedData scale.
> On Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 9:55 PM, Emil Eifrem <e...@neotechnology.com> wrote:
>> On Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 21:48, Craig Taverner <cr...@amanzi.com> wrote:
>>>  1. Will a restructuring like this cause problems for your projects?
>>> Yes, but minor. Should be a simple search and replace to upgrade.
>> And if you need backwards compatibility then you can just go through
>> the 'retro' component.
>>> 2. Do you think this change will result in a positive overall effect for
>>> Neo4j?
>>> Perhaps. You're pushing for more use of the terms 'graph' and 'graph
>>> database', and I can see the marketing value in that.
>> That's not the biggest deal although I like that. The biggest deal is
>> that it's a consistent naming scheme with -- hopefully -- proper api /
>> impl separation.
>>> 3. Do these positive effects outweigh any potential problems the change
>>> causes?
>>> Hard to say. Can swing either way.
>>> Reading the wiki page, I noticed a question regarding the rdf package names,
>>> and a suggestion to add .api and .impl packages. I can answer this with my
>>> opinion, which I doubt you will agree with, but I'll add it here so at least
>>> it is said.
>>> If you had the freedom to make the change, I think that the API packages
>>> should have simple package names without the .api extension, and
>>> implementations should live in the impl packages. I think this goes even for
>>> the core api, which would be at org.neo4j.graphdb with the default
>>> implementations at org.neo4j.graphdb.impl (alternatively
>>> org.neo4j.graphdb.internal, since you explicitly state it is not of interest
>>> to users). If you had such a scheme, the location of implementations is much
>>> more flexible. You do not need to make the decision about the RDF package
>>> names now, and when you do split them, they still conform to the global
>>> naming strategy.
>> I'd love to get some input from the OSGi experienced crowd on this.
>> Cheers,
>> --
>> Emil Eifrém, CEO [e...@neotechnology.com]
>> Neo Technology, www.neotechnology.com
>> Cell: +46 733 462 271 | US: 206 403 8808
>> http://blogs.neotechnology.com/emil
>> http://twitter.com/emileifrem
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