
After some discussions following the input here we decided to go with
no explicit ".api" package but an explicit ".impl" package (for
implementation that is not supposed to be public). The 1.0 release
will then look like this:

o "neo" component renamed to "kernel"
   - old core API (org.neo4j.api.core) will be moved to org.neo4j.graphdb
   - NeoService renamed to org.neo4j.graphdb.GraphDatabaseService
   - EmbeddedNeo renamed to org.neo4j.kernel.EmbeddedGraphDatabase
   - org.neo4j.impl.* -> org.neo4j.kernel.impl

o "index-util" renamed to "index"
   - IndexService will be moved to org.neo4j.index
   - public LuceneIndexService stuff will be under org.neo4j.index.lucene
   - timeline will be under org.neo4j.index.timeline
   - rest will be moved to org.neo4j.index.impl

We are starting to change things now so if you see something wrong
with the above please let us know.

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