Hi Everyone,

I am running into some null pointer exceptions when I try to feed
things into some of the graph algos. The test cases can be found in
the link below. It is all maven based and the pre-built graph is
included. Queries19 (Floyd-Warshall), 20 (Eigenvector Centrality with
the "Arnoldi iteration"), and 21 (Eigenvector Centrality with the
"Power method") are the problematic ones.

To run each query, change the query number in the
configuration.properties in the resources directory. Then, mvn
compile, mvn exec:exec.


I constrained the sub-graph to be the smallest possible one. I also
tried setting the max iterations and calling calculate before the
getCentrality call. I followed the same pattern I used for the
BFS-Centrality and Dijikstra for shortest path (which seem to be
working). Not sure what I am doing wrong here.

Any help would be appreciated.

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