Hello guys, hello community!

I'm currently evaluating neo4j for my thesis and have a wish :)
I have already opened a ticket for this,(
https://trac.neo4j.org/ticket/241 ) but
I would like to hear what you guys think about it.

Basically it just involves the ability to index Neo4j Relationships with
Lucene Index.

Neo4j works great on sparse graphs, but what happens when you have a very
tight graph with several thousands of neighbors to one node?
Additionally as soon as you store informations on Relationships you will get
into trouble, because you will have to iterate through all those edges to
find the
properties you seek.

If this sounds far fetched please take a look at this example where one
might need properties on Relationships:
One "Document" node is related to another Document node by a similarity
function which is stored in the Relationships between those document nodes.
Lets just say that we save a float between [0 - 1] on those relationships,
which makes it impossible to create RelationshipTypes for every value.

Using Index to fetch Relationships by their indexed properties would greatly
speed up the process and increase the attractiveness of using properties on
Relationships. I would love to have quick access to Relationship properties
where I could add and implement fuzzy
logic, probabilities, Bayesian networks, similarities, ranking ... and so on
... As said thank you for Relationship properties, they are great and
already there, but what I miss is quick access to them.

Thank you very much and best regards!


"Programs must be written for people to read, and only incidentally for
machines to execute."

- Abelson & Sussman, SICP, preface to the first edition
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