On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 11:57 PM, Peter Neubauer
<peter.neuba...@neotechnology.com> wrote:
> Chris,
> great reading your blogs on this! Did you get on with the transaction
> piece yet? In case you need info, don't hesitate to ask here on the
> list, there are a number of folks that have disected the area before
> :)
> Also, when it comes to Neo4j working with other TX managers in a JTA
> environment like JOTM and Atomikos, I hope we will be able at least to
> start with failing tests in these environments in the next iteration
> and beginning with that, start working around the issues that JTA is
> leaving for non-relational stores like Neo4j. There might be some
> details that you are interested in when digging there :)
> Cheers,
> /peter neubauer

Peter, thanks for your input.
The transaction handling code is the aspect of a db that I am least
familiar with from an implementation standpoint, so it took a bit more
time than I had planned. I have come through, however, wiser and ready
to write about it in what will in all probability be more than one
post. Soon :)

As for JTA support, it is one of the reasons I started my
documentation efforts and I would like to see neo working in a JTA/JTS

But first I have to write about XALogicalLog and its friends. Stay tuned.

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