Hi Ido,

Those make good sense. And I think I have some reasonable RESTful approaches in 
mind for tackling them which don't need transactions (using Ian Robinson's 
typed links to forms approach here).

1. Bulk create of nodes and relations:
  - PUT a set of nodes and relations to the server, relative to some node, or 
to the graph itself.

 - Work needed: define a graph format (e.g. using JSON) to describe nodes and 

2. Remove relations:
  - GET a "removal form" (optional, will be cacheable for a long time anyway)
  - Populate the removal form with the nodes to be deleted, POST it to the 
  - Server responds with the URI of a (transient) resource that represents all 
the nodes and relations you previously specified.
  - DELETE the transient resource

 - Work needed: design a "removal form" (effectively a deletion manifest), a 
little processing logic on the server side

3. Clone subgraphs
  - Use a form to select a start node, terminating condition (e.g. depth), POST 
its URI to the cloning URI with a traversal description (or just something as 
simple as a termination condition for a df/bf search) which itself is created 
by filling in a form.

 - Work needed: a clone algorithm for the server; form that allows us to 
describe the graph for the clone; URI to POST back the form to the graph.

OK, so there's some substantial work to be done here. But there's a positive 
point to take away from this. In the latest milestone release we have a Plugin 
mechanism where end users are able to extend the behaviour of graphs/nodes in 
order to implement all these kinds of domain specific things. 

Right now as we're testing the new Plugin stuff, I'm going to implement a 
simple clone subgraph plugin. I'll post the code and the wire-level HTTP here 
when I'm done so you can see how you might implement similar stuff for your 
domain (the code will also be in SVN under examples/server-extension).


PS - It occurs to me though, that if 3rd party plugins become very popular, we 
could over time bring them into core and take some responsibility for them. 

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