Hi Ido,

> How will you go about implement such change using REST interface?

With the current default REST interface, you can't. But you can write an 
extension (either in the managed framework, or if you're brave/desperate in the 
unmanaged framework through JAX-RS) which can do this. 

I imagine you might give such a resource the name:


When you POST a new product representation to the /products resource, under the 
covers it creates both a new node that represents your product and inserts the 
relationship into the DB too.

> Another example in the same area is suppose I want to change 2 links, say
> change a category from been sub-category to another sub-category and let's
> say it involve delete one link and create another.

Same deal, although the discovery is a little trickier here. If you were to do 
this in a sane way, I'd suggest filling in a form, which contains the URI of 
the relationship to be deleted, plus the information needed to create a new 
relationship. POST that form to a resource representing the graph and you're 

> I'm trying to see if there is a generic way to implement such things of
> changing multiple resources in generic manager in REST or is it simply to
> application (or service) specific.

I think they're mostly going to be application specific. That's why we have the 
two ways of extending the server (warning: the JAX-RS way really is a sharp 
tool, be careful). But if the community notices useful patterns emerging, then 
we could think about rolling them up into a general extensions package (rather 
like the very useful graph algos package).

So a plea to the community: if you extend the server in any cool and useful 
way, let the group know and we'll perhaps get a rest-contrib project running.

Happy new year everybody!

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