> This is important for the integration of the Neo4j Python Rest Client
> in Django, because I'm currently developing an application with lazy
> and user-defined schemas on top of Django and Neo4j. The listing of
> nodes and relationships is a requirement for me, so the pagination is
> a must in my aplication. Performing this in the application layer
> instead of Neo4j server side, wastes a lot of time sending information
> via REST.

Well put about the listing of nodes and relationships.   That's the
use case where this comes up.

If I can't trust that my app's code indexed something correctly, or I
need to index old data later, I may need to walk the whole
graph to update the indexes, so large result sets become scary.   I
don't think I can rely on a traverse as part of the graphs might be

New use cases on old data mean we'll have to do that, just like adding
a new index to a SQL db.   Or if I have an index that says "all nodes
of type", that result set could get very large.

In fact, I probably need to access all nodes in order to apply any new
indexes, if I can't just send a reindexing command that says
"for all nodes add to index like so, etc".

If I'm understanding the "server plugin" thing correctly, I've got to
go write some java classes to do that... which, while I *can* do, it
better if it could be accessed in a language agnostic way, with
something more or less resembling a database cursor (see MongoDB's

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