This is indeed a good dialogue. The pagination versus streaming was something 
I'd previously had in my mind as orthogonal issues, but I like the direction 
this is going. Let's break it down to fundamentals:

As a remote client, I want to be just as rich and performant as a local client. 
Unfortunately,  Deutsch, Amdahl and Einstein are against me on that, and I 
don't think I am tough enough to defeat those guys.

So what are my choices? I know I have to be more "granular" to try to alleviate 
some of the network penalty so doing operations bulkily sounds great. 

Now what I need to decide is whether I control the rate at which those bulk 
operations occur or whether the server does. If I want to control those 
operations, then paging seems sensible. Otherwise a streamed (chunked) encoding 
scheme would make sense if I'm happy for the server to throw results back at me 
at its own pace. Or indeed you can mix both so that pages are streamed.

In either case if I get bored of those results, I'll stop paging or I'll 
terminate the connection.

So what does this mean for implementation on the server? I guess this is 
important since it affects the likelihood of the Neo Tech team implementing it.

If the server supports pagination, it means we need a paging controller in 
memory per paginated result set being created. If we assume that we'll only go 
forward in pages, that's effectively just a wrapper around the traversal that's 
been uploaded. The overhead should be modest, and apart from the paging 
controller and the traverser, it doesn't need much state. We would need to add 
some logic to the representation code to support "next" links, but that seems a 
modest task.

If the server streams, we will need to decouple the representation generation 
from the existing representation logic since that builds an in-memory 
representation which is then flushed. Instead we'll need a streaming 
representation implementation which seems to be a reasonable amount of 
engineering. We'll also need a new streaming binding to the REST server in 
JAX-RS land.

I'm still a bit concerned about how "rude" it is for a client to just drop a 
streaming connection. I've asked Mark Nottingham for his authoritative opinion 
on that. But still, this does seem popular and feasible.


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