That would need to hold resources on the server (potentially for an 
indeterminate amount of time) since it must be stateful.  In general, stateful 
apis do not scale well in cases of dynamic queries.

----- Reply message -----
From: "Georg Summer" <>
Date: Fri, Apr 22, 2011 1:25 pm
Subject: [Neo4j] REST results pagination
To: "Neo4j user discussions" <>

I might be a little newbish here, but then why not an Iterator?
The iterator lives on the server and is accessible through the REST
interface, providing a advance and value method. It either operates on a
stored and once-created-stable result set or holds the query and evaluates
it on demand (issues of changing underlying graph included).

The client can have paginator functionality by advancing and derefing the
iterator n times or streaming-like behaviour by constantly pushing the
obtained data into a queue and keep on going.

If the client does not need the iterator anymore he simple stops using it
and a timeout kills it eventually on the server. a client-callable delete
method for the iterator would work as well.


On 22 April 2011 18:43, Jim Webber <> wrote:

> Hi Michael,
> > Just in case we're not talking about the same kind of streaming --
> > when I think streaming, I think "streaming uploads", "streaming
> > downloads", etc.
> I'm thinking "chunked" transfers. That is the server starts sending a
> response and then eventually terminates it when the whole response has been
> sent to the client.
> Although it seems a bit rude, the client could simply opt to close the
> connection when it's "read enough" providing what it has read makes sense.
> Sometimes document fragments can make sense:
> <results>
>   <node id="1234">
>     <property name="planet" value="Earth"/>
>   </node>
>   <node id="1235">
>    <property name="planet" value="Mars"/>
>   </node>
> <!-- client gets bored here and kills the connection missing out on what
> would have followed -->
>   <node id="1236">
>    <property name="planet" value="Jupiter"/>
>   </node>
>   <node id="1237">
>    <property name="planet" value="Saturn"/>
>   </node>
> </results>
> In this case we certainly don't have well-formed XML, but some streaming
> API (e.g. stax) might already have been able to create some local objects on
> the client side as the Earth and Mars nodes came in.
> I don't think this is elegant at all, but it might be practical. I've asked
> Mark Nottingham for his view on this since he's pretty sensible about Web
> things.
> Jim
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