Yes, structr has its own CMS-oriented graph domain, but is not 
restrictred to that. structr has in its core a wrapper around Neo4j that 
provides filesystem-like functionality. The 
serialization/deserialization part is done by kryonet itself.

If you get Neo4j to run on Android, you could use the structr API 
(structr-core) to build your own Android app, and then sync (push/pull) 
subtrees between a server instance and the mobile app.

But ... do you need real offline persistence on the mobile device? Or 
would it be sufficient to store the equation graph on a server and just 
hold a cached view of it on the mobile device, using f.e. the offline 
capabilities of HTML5? Just a thought ..

On 25.06.2011 20:33, Sidharth Kshatriya wrote:
> In structr, I notice that you have defined your own tree data structure and
> algorithms. Is there a nice document oriented / graph oriented *lightweight
> *library we can use with Kryonet? Obviously it would be important to be able
> to serialize part of the tree (subtree) and not all of it... when we are
> communicating changes across the network...
> On Fri, Jun 24, 2011 at 10:11 PM, Axel Morgner<>  wrote:
>> In structr [1], we use kryonet [2] to push/pull subtrees including
>> binary files between instances (source code: [3]).
>> We also thought about an Android client which holds a subset of the
>> structr graph. Neo4j running on Android (and iOS as well) would be great.
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> [3]
>> On 24.06.2011 15:35, Rick Bullotta wrote:
>>> I'd probably just use a serialized JSON or XML object in that case, if it
>> is truly a tree (and not a graph).
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: []
>> On Behalf Of Sidharth Kshatriya
>>> Sent: Friday, June 24, 2011 9:18 AM
>>> To: Neo4j user discussions
>>> Subject: Re: [Neo4j] Neo4j -- Can it be embedded in Android?
>>> The present round of android tablets have 512MB - 1 GB Ram...which is
>> likely
>>> to increase in the future...
>>> Essentially I want to use a graph database to represent a complicated
>> math
>>> document to be shown a mobile / tablet.  Each equation is nothing but a
>>> tree so graph databases lend themselves well to the problem. The other
>>> option is to use an embedded object database like db4o which runs on
>> android
>>> and implement a custom tree structure within it... or mobile couchbase
>>> (available for android and ios).
>>> Any better ideas?
>>> On Fri, Jun 24, 2011 at 6:26 PM, Rick Bullotta
>>> <>wrote:
>>>> I think the limited capabilities of the Android device(s) (RAM,
>> primarily)
>>>> limit the usefulness of Neo4J versus alternatives since the datasets are
>>>> usually small and simple in mobile apps.  If we need any heavy-duty
>> graph
>>>> work for a mobile app, we'd do it on the server.
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: [
>> ]
>>>> On Behalf Of Sidharth Kshatriya
>>>> Sent: Friday, June 24, 2011 8:53 AM
>>>> To: Neo4j user discussions
>>>> Subject: Re: [Neo4j] Neo4j -- Can it be embedded in Android?
>>>> Yes, I saw that on the mailing list archives too. I would have though
>> there
>>>> would be some interest in using this on android -- but there seems to be
>> no
>>>> news about it since...
>>>> On Fri, Jun 24, 2011 at 6:13 PM, Rick Bullotta
>>>> <>wrote:
>>>>> I remember something like that, too.  The main issue is probably the
>>>>> "non-traditional" file system that Android exposes.
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: [mailto:
>>>>> On Behalf Of Craig Taverner
>>>>> Sent: Friday, June 24, 2011 8:37 AM
>>>>> To: Neo4j user discussions
>>>>> Subject: Re: [Neo4j] Neo4j -- Can it be embedded in Android?
>>>>> I heard that Peter Neubauer made a port of neo4j to android a few years
>>>>> ago,
>>>>> but that nothing has been done since and no version since then would
>>>> work.
>>>>> So my understanding is that it does not work on android, but that it is
>>>>> possible to make it work (with some work ;-).
>>>>> Peter is away, but I expect he would have a better answer than me.
>>>>> On Fri, Jun 24, 2011 at 1:33 PM, Sidharth Kshatriya<
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Dear All,
>>>>>> I have googled for this on the web and did not arrive at a
>> satisfactory
>>>>>> answer.
>>>>>> *Question: Is it possible to run Neo4j on Android? *
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Sidharth
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Sidharth Kshatriya
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Axel Morgner
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