
if the operating system already cached all files there won't be that much of a 
difference between a disk based and a ramdisk based storage.

I re-run your tests and experienced full CPU load on a MAC for pure index 
lookups. Digged deeper into this and found some potential improvements that 
will be probably addressed in the early 1.5 timeframe.
Most of the issues are about cold caches and allocating only small fragments of 
store-files while waiting for the big memory mapped window to be materialized 
on a higher threshold. Those small fragments use then which crosses user and system boundaries incurring higher CPU 
loads. In a local patch I could alleviate that behavior but had the same issue 
occurring in the lucene core. So even with Neo4j behaving nicely
a larger impact was due to lucene also using to load its 

On the MAC with -Xmx3G -server -d64 I had around 150% CPU utilization and got 
3M nodes looked up in 47 sec. Resulting in about 64k nodes / sec. (with my 
Without the patch, the CPU load was about the same and the lookup took about 55 
sec (55k nodes / sec).
If you run this multi-threaded you can get much higher performance of course.

For looking into the GC related pauses - could you please enable GC logging to 
confirm that? And please share your startup and store config when reporting 
these kind of performance issues, that helps a lot in
determining root causes.



Am 03.07.2011 um 15:53 schrieb Paul Bandler:

> I want to re-do these just to be sure, but what I think I've observed is as 
> follows...
> I've done 2 tests using ram disks, one was an application fragment that I've 
> referred to before - performs extensive traversal of the graph.  Once the 
> cache had become hot the performance was good for each iteration, but 
> periodically (I assume when garbage collection kicked in) the impact of that 
> garbage collection was significantly more with ram disk configuration than 
> without it.
> The second test was to see how fast nodes could be looked up by an indexed 
> 'id' value (not their node id, but a domain id integer value. I have one 
> particular domain entity of which there are about 3.5m instances, all indexed 
> by id.  I created a test that read these id's from the origin SQL database 
> into memory then iterated thru' each value and retrieved the corresponding 
> node from neo4j via the index.  All the neo4j graphdb directory structure had 
> been copied to a ram disk area so I had expected the test to be cpu bound, 
> but watching it with jconsole it had very low cpu utilisation and its 
> performance wasn't much better (maybe 10%) than when the graphdb directory 
> structure had been on a local disk.  On a local disk the test retrieved about 
> 12k nodes per second, with the ram disk it retrieved approximately 13k nodes 
> per second.
> BTW, I'm starting to think that my own API's around neo4j might be adding 
> significant overhead - not because they do much but that I wrap fly-weight 
> wrapper objects around each node as I retrieve each node then often discard 
> it.  I notice on jconsole that the heap graph looks shows a very regular 
> pattern of rapid heap growth followed by reduction - I suspect that 
> reflecting an accumulation of these very short lived wrapper objects that 
> then get garbage collected.  This reflects the approach and is perhaps 
> exacerbated for queries that need to traverse the object graph.  Rather than 
> use the neo4j traversal framework I'm tendiing to build simple accessors 
> methos on each type for traversing to their neighbour types, then building 
> queries atop of these that traverse the domain model in terms of the lower 
> level accessors.  This is attractive in terms of reducing coupling to neo4j, 
> but I think might be the cause of lots of very short-lived fly-weight objects 
> and collections of the
> being created and discarded.... any comment - is this an anti-pattern and a 
> rationale to use the neo4j traversal framework mechanism....?
> On 3 Jul 2011, at 12:47, Michael Hunger wrote:
>> Paul,
>> could you provide some details which kinds of perf-tests don't perform on a 
>> RAM disk?
>> Thanks Michael 
>> Sent from my iBrick4
>> Am 02.07.2011 um 00:55 schrieb Paul Bandler <>:
>>> On 30 Jun 2011, at 23:42, Michael Hunger wrote:
>>>> I would love to look into the memory mapping issues on Solaris.
>>> There is no issue - just user mis-understanding of how it works - or 
>>> doesn't if ones database is located on an NFS file-system.  A little 
>>> documentation on the necessary preconditions would be in order perhaps.
>>> Still have some other performance issues I don't fully understand - like 
>>> why when locating the database on a ram disk certain performance tests 
>>> don'g seem to run any quicker and exhibit low cpu utilisation as if they're 
>>> still I/O bound, but that will have to wait for next week.  
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