Yes, storing the similar_items in a field, cross_action_similar_items in 
another field all on the same doc ided by item ID. Agree that there may be 
other fields.

Storing the rows of [B'B] is ok because it's symmetric. However we did talk 
about the [B'A] case and I thought we agreed to store the rows there too 
because they were from Bs items. This was the discussion about having different 
items for cross actions. The excerpt below is Ted responding to my question. So 
do we want the columns of [B'A]? It's only a transpose away.

> On Tue, Jul 30, 2013 at 11:11 AM, Pat Ferrel <> wrote:
> [B'A] =
>         iphone  ipad    nexus   galaxy  surface
> iphone  2       2       2       1       0
> ipad    2       2       2       1       0
> nexus   1       1       1       1       0
> galaxy  1       1       1       1       0
> surface 0       0       0       0       1
> The rows are what we want from [B'A] since the row items are from B, right?
> Yes.
> It is easier to understand if you have different kinds of items as well as 
> different actions.  For instance, suppose that you have user x query terms 
> (A) and user x device (B).  B'A is then device x term so that there is a row 
> per device and the row contains terms.  This is good when searching for 
> devices using terms.

Talking about getting the actual doc field values, which will include the 
similar_items field and other metadata. The actual ids in the similar_items 
field work well for anonymous/no-history recs but maybe there is a second query 
or fetch that I'm missing? I assumed that a fetch of the doc and it's fields  
by item ID was as fast a way to do this as possible. If there is some way to 
get the same result by doing a query that is faster, I'm all for it?

Can do tomorrow at 2.

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