The Solr output connection configuration contains all credentials that are
sent to Solr.  If those aren't set Solr won't get them.


On Wed, Jun 7, 2023 at 7:23 AM Marisol Redondo <> wrote:

> Hi,
> We are using Solr 8 with basic authentication, and when checking the
> output connection I'm getting an Exception "Solr authorization failure,
> code 401: aborting job"
> The solr type is Solrcloud, as we have 3 server (installed in AWS
> Kubernette containers), I have set the user ID and password in the Sever
> tab and can connect to Zookeeper and solr, as, if I unchecked the option
> "Bock anonymous request", the connector is working.
> How can I make the connection working? I can't unchecked the "Block
> anonymous request"
> Am I missing any other configuration?
> Is there any other place where I have to set the user and password?
> Thanks
>     Marisol

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