On Sat, Aug 16, 2014 at 12:02 PM, Dave Lester <daveles...@gmail.com> wrote:

> These are great intros. Keep them coming!

Howdy all, my name is Chris Aniszczyk (@cra <https://twitter.com/cra>) and
I have the fun job of creating/running Twitter's open source program:
https://opensource.twitter.com. I've been have been involved with Mesos for
awhile as a humble user and helped start the process of incubating
<https://blog.twitter.com/2012/incubating-apache-mesos> the project at the
ASF. It's great to see the Mesos ecosystem grow since those early days :)

I look forward to learning from each other and also excited about sharing
frosty beverages with the community at our first #MesosCon


Chris Aniszczyk | Open Source | Twitter, Inc.
@cra | +1 512 961 6719

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