@haosdent Here you are https://reviews.apache.org/r/46610/ I hope I'll find
more time to hack on RPI next week.

niedz., 24.04.2016 o 12:04 użytkownik haosdent <haosd...@gmail.com> napisał:

> Tomek's Mesos on ARM seems out of date, and it is a bit painful to set up
> a Raspberry Pi development environment in x86 machine.
> So I create a docker image `haosdent/raspberry` to simple this and
> document how to patch, compile and running mesos on the Raspberry Pi in
> this [post](http://blog.haosdent.me/2016/04/24/mesos-on-arm/). Hope it is
> helpful for you if you are seeking to run Mesos on ARM.
> In additional, thanks to @zhiwei and @vinodkone's work recently. Bundle
> zookeeper package have already upgraded to 3.4.8 which could pass compile
> on ARM. The only change to make mesos pass compile on ARM is to patch
>  `pivot_root` in fs.cpp. @Tomek would you like to modify it according to my
> suggestions on your github and post it in review board
> https://reviews.apache.org/groups/mesos/ to further review? I think it is
> necessary if we want to make Mesos run on ARM perfectly.
> On Sat, Apr 23, 2016 at 9:42 AM, Sharma Podila <spod...@netflix.com>
> wrote:
>> Appreciate all the pointers so far. We'll certainly share what we end up
>> with in a few weeks.
>> On Fri, Apr 22, 2016 at 5:49 PM, tommy xiao <xia...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> the alternative way, use Docker on rpi to containerised the mesos master
>>> and slave, it also cool things.
>>> 2016-04-23 1:38 GMT+08:00 Dario Rexin <dario.re...@me.com>:
>>>> Hi Sharma,
>>>> I played around with Mesos on RPi a while back and have been able to
>>>> compile and run it with 2 little patches.
>>>> 1) Depending on the ZK version, it may be necessary to patch a function
>>>> that uses inline ASM to use the resp. compiler intrinsics (I don’t remember
>>>> where exactly in zk it was, but the compile error should tell you)
>>>> 2) There is string formatting code somewhere that compiles, but is not
>>>> architecture independent, i.e. behaves different on 32 and 64 bit. IIRC the
>>>> fix was to change %lu to %llu or something close to that. The stack trace
>>>> when Mesos crashes should tell you. If you’re lucky enough to have an RPi3,
>>>> this may not be necessary.
>>>> Also, if you compile on the RPi make sure to create a swap file of
>>>> >=512MB. The build process will use lots of memory. I have not been able to
>>>> compile on multiple cores, because the memory usage was just too high.
>>>> I hope this helps.
>>>> On Apr 22, 2016, at 10:23 AM, Tomek Janiszewski <jani...@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> As @haosdent mentioned with Kevin we tried to run it on ARM. AFAIR
>>>> there was a problem only with master, agents runs smoothly (or pretend to).
>>>> To run it on RPi you need to compile it for ARM. Easy but long solution is
>>>> to compile it on rpi. Quick but a little bit harder  cross compile it on
>>>> "normal" machine and upload to device.
>>>> http://likemagicappears.com/projects/raspberry-pi-cluster/mesos-on-raspbian/
>>>> pt., 22 kwi 2016, 19:02 użytkownik haosdent <haosd...@gmail.com>
>>>> napisał:
>>>>> Tomek have a gsoc proposal to make Mesos build on ARM
>>>>> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zbms2jQfExuIm6g-adqaXjFpPif6OsqJ84KAgMrOjHQ/edit
>>>>> I think you could take a look at this code in github
>>>>> https://github.com/lyda/mesos-on-arm
>>>>> On Sat, Apr 23, 2016 at 12:53 AM, Sharma Podila <spod...@netflix.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> We are working on a hack to run Mesos agents on Raspberry Pi and are
>>>>>> wondering if anyone here has done that before. From the Google search
>>>>>> results we looked at so far, it seems like it has been compiled, but we
>>>>>> haven't seen an indication that anyone has run it and launched tasks on
>>>>>> them. And does it sound right that it might take 4 hours or so to 
>>>>>> compile?
>>>>>> We are looking to run just the agents. The master will be on a
>>>>>> regular Ubuntu laptop or a server.
>>>>>> Appreciate any pointers.
>>>>> --
>>>>> Best Regards,
>>>>> Haosdent Huang
>>> --
>>> Deshi Xiao
>>> Twitter: xds2000
>>> E-mail: xiaods(AT)gmail.com
> --
> Best Regards,
> Haosdent Huang

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