Hmmm, forget this.  It's late.   The problem is that the invoices I was
printing were outputing multiple lines for each line in the form and
therefore hosing line count.


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2007 10:26 PM
Subject: Printing

sendPrintFromScreen() works a charm if you have a post script printer.

However, I am having problems getting it to work with "text/plain".  You
might ask why I wanna do that, and the answer is that my current customer
has half a dozen workhorse dot matrix printers that spit out a hundred pages
a minute for about 5cents.

So, I want to utilize these for some ordinary printing jobs like reprinting
invoices for internal use and the like.

So, I modified sendPrintFromScreen() so that if it doesn't find a postscript
printer with the printer name that was passed in, it changes the contentType
to "text/plain" and checks again.  It always finds this one if I have not
picked a postscript printer.

The problem is that the renderer does not seem to put formfeeds at the end.
This is not a problem when you only print one, but when you are
massPrinting, everything gets pretty hosed.

My test setup is printing three invoices from :


Anyone have any idea how to encourage the fop guy to put a ff after the
document is finished in plain text?

I am fairly sure this is the problem because I can use

DocFlavor flavor = DocFlavor.INPUT_STREAM.AUTOSENSE;
printer = PrintServiceLookup.lookupDefaultPrintService();
// Create the print job
DocPrintJob job = printer.createPrintJob();
Doc doc = new SimpleDoc(myDoc, flavor, null);
// Print it
job.print(doc, null);

And send in a FF terminated string and it all works fine.  I would just
prefer to use that FOP renderer so I don't have to hand code a bunch of


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