I'm not sure that would make sense, as they will have lots of internal (to my system) modules and dependencies (I depend on other systems than ofbiz).

Here's what you can do:
1) Create new project (java project) - point this at your module under ${OFBIZ_HOME}/hot-deploy (I use maven 2, so to start from scratch I would go to the hot-deploy dir and do a new "mvn archetype:create" in that dir). 2) for IntelliJ, go to File->New Module, create new Java Module, import and existing src root, point it at ${OFBIZ_HOME}. 3) in the ant module for intellij, add the top level build.xml as an ant build file.

as an alternate to 2) you could add each application and framework dir separately as an intellij module - if I were going to work on ofbiz core that is what I would do.

your mileage may vary.


Roberto Cosenza wrote:
That is an interesting approach. Would you mind sending me the intellij project files?
On Mar 10, 2008, at 10:54 PM, Ryan Sweet wrote:

Roberto Cosenza wrote:
Is anybody using a IDE to compile ofbiz? I mean not compiling through ant but though the built in compiler. I tried using the .classpath/.project files provided in svn but with no good results.

I use the plugin for intellij to use the ant build.
Since I'm not working on ofbiz core - I made my module under hot-deploy a separate intellij module, and set it to depend on the top level ofbiz build. You could probably get the whole build to build with intellij, but you would need to go into the various lib directories and add those jaras as module dependencies in the intellij module settings dialog. It would take a long while to do it for evrey dep.


*-- *
*Roberto Cosenza* | Senior developer
Infoflex Connect AB | +46-8-555 768 60 | +46-70-4660928
[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | www.infoflexconnect.se <http://www.infoflexconnect.se/>

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