Hi Anne,

Yes, you're right. In fact, for just about EVERY project I did involving rentals or similar, I've had to completely overhaul that Java file.

I've found myself coding very unique order calcs and handling for every unique business. Not sure how any of those can be rolled into OFBiz for generic use.

Be prepared to roll your own, re-writing much of the codes there. Another problem is EFT payments, truly odd. I think you'll find some taxes and payment stuff requiring some degree of rewrite, seeing how you're in Australia. :)

There are also some serious bugs in order item explosion codes. Beware. The problems permeate many areas to do with order items, including and especially tax calculations.


Bilgin Ibryam wrote:
Hi Anne,

the code in these methods is very confusing and a refactoring is needed
for sure.
But at the moment it calculates the item subtotals right.

If the workEfforts is not null, WorkOrderItemFulfillments is null and "
itemTotal =
rounding); " is not called at all. That's why it doesn't calculates it

And if the workEffort is null , then "itemTotal =
rounding); " is called.


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