There is British Telecom listed in there as user of Ofbiz.

Anil Patel

On May 23, 2008, at 3:44 PM, BJ Freeman wrote:

quick answer
Subscription and Services are available though you will have to add data
to support you type of subscription or services

then installed products will take some work.
I suggest though you go thru the documentation
and understand how ofbiz works, since it will change how view the task
you have to do.
if you don't have time then look at hiring someone that is familiar with

skhalil sent the following on 5/23/2008 10:52 AM:
Hello to the community,

First of all, I am new to the world of ofbiz. But from what I have seen it's very promising. I am currently preparing a pilot for telecom- specific needs
and I have some questions :

In Telecom world, there is the notion of "parc" i.e installed products & services. It allows the customer to modify its installed services without reordering from the commercial catalog. There is the commercial parc (DSL subscriptions, Mobile subscriptions...) and there is the technical parc i.e.
: telecom platforms, devices and infrastructures that are used by the
commercial parc to deliver the service.

1- Is the idea of "installed products" is present in ofbiz? and if no, can you give me how can I add it (as an application? as a service? data to

2- I want to put in my catalog a "service" to sell like Mobile phone
subscription in a "pay monthly" or "pay as you go" fashion, so what type of product should I create and what are the attributes to use. For example : if you buy mobile "x" with 6/12/24 months subscription you pay just "y" for this mobile, but you can also buy it alone, in this case you should pay "z".

3- To support the subscription, there must be a "service activation" module, that tells : "hey, this customer has bought a 12 months subscription so give him the "technical" permission to use his phone and send him reccuring bill"s. I know that's a bit out of the scope of ofbiz, but, is this possible with ofbiz and if no, what is the best approach to implement this module
using the ofbiz framework?

4- More generally, is there out there a successeful ofbiz omplementation in the telecom area, and if anyone of you have tried to make a pilot, or have
been involved in a telecom-specific implementation using ofbiz.

Many thanks by advance for any of your answers/comments.


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