Thank you very much for your help. Yes I did

{responseMessage=success, userLogin=[GenericEntity:UserLogin][createdStamp,2008-07-14 09:00:22.0(java.sql.Timestamp)][createdTxStamp,2008-07-14 09:00:21.0(java.sql.Timestamp)][currentPassword,47ca69ebb4bdc9ae0adec130880165d2cc05db1a(java.lang.String)][disabledDateTime,null()][enabled,Y(java.lang.String)][hasLoggedOut,N(java.lang.String)][isSystem,null()][lastCurrencyUom,null()][lastLocale,null()][lastUpdatedStamp,2008-08-28 12:20:41.0(java.sql.Timestamp)][lastUpdatedTxStamp,2008-08-28 12:20:41.0(java.sql.Timestamp)][partyId,admin(java.lang.String)][passwordHint,null()][successiveFailedLogins,0(java.lang.Long)][userLoginId,admin(java.lang.String)]}

BJ Freeman wrote:
did you check each return Map to check for a "success" message

Jacek Wagner sent the following on 9/4/2008 3:01 PM:
Thank you for the tip. The return map includes  error "You must be
logged in to complete the Create an Product process." I hoped that by
calling LoginServices.userLogin.....with admin/ofbiz (second task)  I am
receiving all credentials I need to complete the task.

BJ Freeman wrote:
Simple services don't provide exceptions.
They do return a Map that has error messages in it.

take a look at the Out parameters
Note this is for
and uses a map and runsync

Jacek Wagner sent the following on 9/4/2008 9:55 AM:
The following is an ofbiz wrapper that performs three tasks: login, get
description for a given product, create new product

When run from webtools (performs successfully all three tasks. when
called as a soap performs successfully login & get descriptions for a
given product. It also run thru create new product, but does not create
new product neither throw any exception(s).

Wondering Jacek
public static Map createLHSProduct(DispatchContext dctx, Map context) {
       GenericDelegator delegator = dctx.getDelegator();

       try {
           String productId;
           String loginuser;
           String loginpassword;
           String productType;
           String productName;

           // get the input parameter

           productId = (String) context.get("productId");
Debug.logInfo("productId = " + productId, module); loginuser = (String) context.get("loginuser");
           Debug.logInfo("loginuser = " + loginuser,
module);                    //prints to the console or console.log
           loginpassword = (String) context.get("loginpassword");
           Debug.logInfo("loginpassword = " + loginpassword,
module);            //prints to the console or console.log
           productType = (String) context.get("productTypeId");
           Debug.logInfo("productTypeId = " + productType,
module);     //prints to the console or console.log
           productName = (String) context.get("internalName");
           Debug.logInfo("internalName = " + productName,
module);     //prints to the console or console.log

// login
           context.put("login.username", loginuser);
           context.put("login.password", loginpassword);
           Map loginresult = LoginServices.userLogin(dctx, context);
Debug.logInfo("loginresult = " + loginresult, module); //prints to the console or console.log

//get description for a given product
           Map queryResult = delegator.findByPrimaryKey("Product",
UtilMisc.toMap("productId", productId));
           Map result = UtilMisc.toMap("description", productId);
           if (queryResult != null) {

//create new product
           context.put("productTypeId", productType);
           context.put("internalName", productName);                Map
productresult = SimpleMethod.runSimpleService(
                   "createProduct", dctx, context);

           return result;

       } catch (GenericEntityException ex) {//required if you use
delegator in Java
           return ServiceUtil.returnError(ex.getMessage());
       } catch (Exception ex) {//required if you use delegator in Java
           return ServiceUtil.returnError(ex.getMessage());

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