In the current SFA Manager Application I noticed that the Events tab in
not active. What is the current state of the application for the Event

We have the following requirements and are hoping that we can use
existing functionality to fulfill them. If this functionality does not
currently exist, but a plan is in place on how to proceed then maybe we
can pitch in.

Create "Events"

    * Telephone calls
    * Emails

    * Addition Information that I think is not being captured.
          o When should we follow up maybe who also changes
          o What was the purpose of the call

I started work on a simple Salesman to Customer Contact communication
system using the CommunicationEvents entities for our current application.
I defined a Salesman as the logged in user and a Contact as an Employee
of a Customer. I feel I needed to create two CommunicationEvents for
single actual communication.

My example is user admin (Salesman) talked to Steve (Contact) at
"Company X" (Customer) who's Phone number is 888-123-5556 (ContactMech
for Contact)
The who called is captured in the parent CommunicationEvent

    * partyIdFrom to partyIdTo
    * partyIdFrom="admin" partyIdTo="999"

The who did we call is captured in the child CommunicationEvent

    * partyIdFrom to partyIdTo
    * partyIdFrom="999" partyIdTo="COMP_X_EMP"
    * COMP_X_EMP indicates it was Steve
          o contactMechIdTo="COMP_X_TN_01" on the child CommunicationEvent
          o COMP_X_TN_01 indicates we called (888-123-5556)

Is there a way to do this differently using the SFA events concept? As
stated above I think the concept of keeping track of when next to call
Steve and what purpose of the call is currently missing.

    * When did it happen (date / time) - can these be separate or is the
      convention to use a single field
    * What was the purpose (from CommunicationEventPrpTyp?)
          o "follow-up"
          o "initial call"

Ultimately we would look to use these purposes as a sort of work flow.
So, if you start with the first call "initial call" then the next action
may be "follow-up" with a date/time.
I found the link to
in a mail thread from March 2008
What is the current state of work?

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