I see "New Communication Work Purpose", but that link seems to go to
"New Communication Content"

What is the name of the request that should be used instead? I can fix
that and then investigate using that method to add a purpose to my
"Communication Event".

How does CommunicationEventPrpTyp/CommunicationEventPurpose relate to
"Reason Enum Id" on the "Communication Event"?
"Reason Enum Id" initially seemed to be what I thought was going to end
up being (Initial Call, Followup Call).

I also see Start and Finish date/times as not fitting semantically into
the concept of a sales person should be reminded to follow up at this
Date and Time about the current Event. Would it be useful to add
followUpDate to CommunicationEvent for that purpose?

BJ Freeman wrote:
> https://demo.hotwaxmedia.com/webtools/control/FindGeneric?entityName=CommunicationEventPrpTyp&find=true&VIEW_SIZE=50&VIEW_INDEX=0
> has a supportcall
> you can add
> SalesCall
> FollowupSales
> BJ Freeman sent the following on 2/2/2009 4:21 PM:
> > before you go to far down this path.
> > communications events is also phone calls
> > you should investigate all the communication event entities
> >
> https://demo.hotwaxmedia.com/webtools/control/ViewRelations?entityName=CommunicationEvent
> > like role, purpose, contentAssoc
> > Stephen Rufle sent the following on 2/2/2009 2:21 PM:
> >> After closer examination CommunicationEvent looks like it was designed
> >> more to be a series of e-mail's then phone calls. Perhaps this was
> >> easiest for the initial requirements.
> >> Without any relationship to CommunicationEvent I see SfaEvent having
> >> more columns to capture needed information.
> >>     <entity entity-name="SfaEvent"
> >> package-name="org.ofbiz.party.communication" title="Sfa Communication
> >> Event Entity">
> >>         <field name="sfaEventId" type="id-ne"></field>
> >>         <field name="partyIdFrom" type="id"></field> <!-- Logged in
> >> user, maybe we could allow choosing? -->
> >>         <field name="partyIdToAccount" type="id"></field>
> >>         <field name="partyIdToContact" type="id"></field>
> >>         <field name="entryDate" type="date-time"></field>
> >>         <field name="statusId" type="id"></field>
> >>         <field name="followUpDate" type="date-time"></field>
> >>         <prim-key field="sfaEventId"/>
> >>     </entity>
> >> I would also like to ask are there any standard "Sales Force
> Automation"
> >> schemas. The pdf mentions SugarCRM and I have heard www.salesforce.com
> >> as the other major example when I was doing my initial research.
> While I
> >> was writing this email I looked at "The Data Model Resource Book" and
> >> see CommunicationEvent. Am I just not seeing how to use
> >> CommunicationEvent properly all by itself?
> >> Stephen Rufle wrote:
> >>> I created a patch that starts on the work that I think is needed
> for my
> >>> request. The reason I am not creating a JIRA issue is that I think my
> >>> code might be a little rough and would like to know what
> modification my
> >>> be needed.
> >>>
> >>> I started by stubbing out the "Events" link that was previously
> not live.
> >>> https://localhost:8443/sfa/control/FindEvents
> >>>
> >>> I tried to use https://localhost:8443/sfa/control/FindContacts as my
> >>> guide for how things are getting done.
> >>>
> >>> When I started this endeavor I thought I could use a combination of
> >>> CommunicationEvent and Soem other existing Entity. I was unable to
> find
> >>> one that I thought was suitable, so I think creating a new SfaEvent
> >>> entity will give me what I want.
> >>>
> >>> /applications/party/entitydef/entitymodel.xml
> >>>     <entity entity-name="SfaEvent"
> >>> package-name="org.ofbiz.party.communication" title="Sfa Communication
> >>> Event Entity">
> >>>         <field name="sfaEventId" type="id-ne"></field>
> >>>         <field name="communicationEventId" type="id"></field>
> >>>         <field name="statusId" type="id"></field>
> >>>         <field name="followUpDate" type="date-time"></field>
> >>>         <prim-key field="sfaEventId"/>
> >>>           <relation type="one" fk-name="COM_SFA_CMEV"
> >>> rel-entity-name="CommunicationEvent">
> >>>             <key-map field-name="communicationEventId"/>
> >>>           </relation>       
> >>>     </entity>
> >>>
> >>> I can associate a CommunicationEvent to a SfaEvent which should allow
> >>> for holding the extended information (currently followUpDate and a
> >>> separate status). My reason for not just adding a columns to the
> current
> >>> CommunicationEvent is that I wanted an independent workflow . The
> >>> workflow  seems to be dictated by StatusItem and StatusValidChange
> and I
> >>> see that CommunicationEvent already has a series of status values
> >>> (statusTypeId=COM_EVENT_STATUS).
> >>>

Stephen P Rufle
Yahoo IM: stephen_rufle
AOL IM: stephen1rufle

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