On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 1:54 AM, David E Jones

> For the most part we'd only want to accept "safe" HTML, but it is certainly
> conceivable to need something more open/flexible/etc. It might be good to
> have two service defs (both can call the same service impl), with names to
> denote the difference, ie a suffix of "SafeHtml" and "AnyText" for the
> other.
> As for storing JSON strings... it sounds a bit odd. The Content stuff is
> really meant for content that is written and read by humans. I do agree the
> above change would be good, but perhaps there is also a better place to
> store your JSON strings (ie it sounds a little bit "hackish"... ;) ).

That is an interesting thought and it would solve my problem. The JSON
string is a complete representation of an online test (takes too long to
build it on-demand), but it will not be read directly by humans. Thanks
again for a simple and pragmatic solution to my problem and shedding new
light on CMS philosophy.


> -David
> On Feb 23, 2009, at 10:20 PM, Al Byers wrote:
>  I am storing a very large JSON string in the database using the CMS. Am I
>> right in understanding that because the createTextContent service does not
>> have an "allowHtml" attribute on the textData field set to "none" that in
>> ModelService.validate method it is the
>> StringUtil.checkStringForHtmlStrictNone call that is encoding the double
>> quotes that are in the string?
>> What would setting allowHtml to "safe" do? Still encode?
>> If this is the case, do we have any options other than writing different
>> versions of content persisting services to handle the case where we do not
>> want encoding to happen?
>> -Al

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