Hello Marco,

Thanks for your reply.
I haven't played with certificate thing so here are some questions from my side before diving into it.

Do you know some handy & easy document to install SSL certificate easily on my server ?
Thoughts on authorize.net ?

I will start searching on this early in the morning tomorrow but some pointer to install certificate will be of great help. Is it ok to use thawte ssl certificate for in trial period(will purchase later on if everything work for us on production instance) ? Any preference ?

Anyone tried to install OpenSSL in tomcat instance of OFBiz server ?


mrisal...@libero.it wrote:
Hi Ashish,

I never tested the trick from Andreas Sterbenz's blog but I have tested GC notifications in the past and it was necessary an https URL for notification with a trusted and visible certificate into OFBiz. If you try to click on the question mark "Specify a URL for Google to notify you of new orders and changes in order state. You must provide the URL of a server running 128-bit SSLv3 or TLS. [?]" (http://checkout.google.com/support/sell/bin/answer.py?answer=57519&hl=en) into Setting --> Integration you can get more informations about it.

Are you able to do a Google Checkout from OFBiz? Are you redirect correctly to their site ?

Can you try to use an https URL and configure your request 
processGoogleCheckoutResponse into Ecommerce controller.xml in this way :

<security https="true"/>


Hello Marco,

Thanks for your comments.
Please see my comments inline:

mrisal...@libero.it wrote:
Hi Ashish,

if you want to use Google Checkout API callback is necessary to install a trused 
certificate and then URL must be in https and not http (API callback URL on 
Setting --> Integration).
Yes I agree from you but if my call back URL is http specific then should I also need to install the trusted certificate ? FYI I have installed the certificate by the steps shown in the document: http://docs.ofbiz.org/display/OFBIZ/Google+Checkout+Integration Isn't the certificate downloaded from sandbox.google.com trusted certificate ?

Anyway if you see that Google Checkout does not reach your OFBiz URL you can check 
the logs under Tools --> Integration Console.
Yes I have seen Integration Console too. But that is not generating any message, if I provide the URL something like specified in my last email.
I can share you few bug details:

We encountered an error trying to access your server at http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:8080/ecommerce123/control/ <https://sandbox.google.com/checkout/sell/settings?userToken=1243251863134+j66kJeIclVm65f5ASdSKBIWPtqY%3D&section=IntegrationConsole&returnURL=https%3A%2F%2Fsandbox.google.com%2Fcheckout%2Fsell%2Fsettings%3FuserToken%3D1243251863134%2Bj66kJeIclVm65f5ASdSKBIWPtqY%253D%26section%3DIntegrationConsole&serialNumber=959222106323078-00006-1>processGoogleCheckoutResponse123 -- the error we got is Send failed with code: 400. Response body was: <https://sandbox.google.com/checkout/sell/settings?userToken=1243251863134+j66kJeIclVm65f5ASdSKBIWPtqY%3D&section=IntegrationConsole&returnURL=https%3A%2F%2Fsandbox.google.com%2Fcheckout%2Fsell%2Fsettings%3FuserToken%3D1243251863134%2Bj66kJeIclVm65f5ASdSKBIWPtqY%253D%26section%3DIntegrationConsole&serialNumber=959222106323078-00006-1>

This message comes when I provide wrong server details. See "ecommerce123/control/processGoogleCheckoutResponse123 But when I provide right server details like the URL shown below then it don't generate any message on Integration Console. http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:8080/ecommerce/control/processGoogleCheckoutResponse


Hoping it can helps you.


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