Hello Rohit,

First of all I would like to share my feelings on this topic.
Finally I got success to get XML string on the callback url, and I received string on the http port instead of https port. I was trying to read the XML string from the connection URL object and finally after reviewing your code I noticed that you were reading inputStream from the request object and that did the trick for me.
Thanks a lot Rohit for sharing code.

Special thanks to Marco for sharing his thoughts.

Now we are ready to take another step in google checkout to parse notification string, create Order in OFBiz etc etc.
Please see my comments inline:


Rohit Sureka wrote:
Hi Ashish,
I have uploaded a merchant calculation file for doing the shipping cost. The file, handles XML string from google and responds with the shipping costs. I have the basic structure ready, ie., send the cart to google, calculate shipping cost, receive order notification, log the order in ofbiz, charge the customers card, cancel, refund and archieve order.

We are almost planning to do the same thing so if you would like to share code on JIRA issue then you can do it. I assure you that I will take your code whenever required and will put it in the trunk.
Its upto you share the code or not. I am fine with either option.
What really needs to be done with my code is, cleanup, make it to confirm to ofbiz standards and do some coding to make sure that the accounting part is properly logged and reported in ofbiz. I will be happy to share the code with you, if you think you can work on it and give it back to the ofbiz community.

I am very big fan of Open Source projects, specially the Open Source projects associated with ASL 2.0. I hate the proprietary software development concept & same applies to colleagues working at HotWax Media. So if you share the code and suppose I plan to use your code & improve it then for sure through my way your code will go to OFBiz trunk only.


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