Hi BJ:
Thanks - I saw the issue. Is there a better way to get things like this fixed? Better yet, not have them enter into the system in the first place? My concern - and it should be everyone's concern who cares about this project - is this is our main touch point with the outside world. Someone downloads the nightly version and right off the bat - it doesn't work. I'm not talking about something deep down inside the bowels of the code base, I'm talking about page one.

From a marketing/sales point of view this is worse than nothing at all.
Just my 2 cents.

BJ Freeman wrote:
there was a jira about this
but no patch yet.

Ruth Hoffman sent the following on 6/17/2009 9:01 AM:
I just downloaded and started up the today's nightly download package
using the README instructions -  and I couldn't login to Webtools.
Please see attached.  Hate to beat a dead horse - but this stuff should
work according to the README file - at a minimum, for the nightly
download. What gives? IMHO - Better not to have a nightly download than
to provide one that doesn't work as advertised.


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