you have parties and party groups.
You can assigned roles both that all logins share.
Login carry the Security for that login which along with roles
determines access to components in ofbiz.
Only a few should have full admin rights.
also based on the party and or party group, the Myportal is setup for
the most used pages for that party.
a Scenario for a party group would be Acct Dept, Customer support, etc.
under that would be the logins for those.
Party usually only has one login. The security and roles for that login
determine their access and operation they can perform.
You can see the roles in the Data model book Vol 1 page 45 figure 2.6a
Security is like can they Create, UPdate, View, Delete information.

Bob Morley sent the following on 8/7/2009 10:57 AM:
> Had a conversation with someone in the office and we came up with two
> scenarios ...
> a) Based on the document; You have a person that has operations and
> administrative permission to the system.  For day-to-day use you would want
> them to logon with their operations userlogin (and that more restrictive set
> of permissions).  They would only logon with the admin userlogin when they
> need to perform administrative functions.
> b) Based on your last sentence; you have a B2B application where your
> customer is another business but that business has a number of people that
> work for them that can place orders for the business.
> YinT wrote:
>> Ofbiz permits a party to be issued multiple usernames for login purposes.
>> The document says that each username can provide the party with different
>> access to the system.  
>> Could someone give me a practical scenario where this is useful?
>> As an additional thought, could it be that multiple usenames for a party
>> is more applicable for the scenario where a party refers to a group and
>> not a person.
>> Thanks in advance.

BJ Freeman
Systems Integrator.

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