This may help,Category,ProductSetup

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From: <>
Hi David,

Thanks for the reply, I spotted the product discontinue flag now you explained 
it and thats a great help.

I had a look round the demo install but could not see an example of a product categorised in both view and purchase - did I miss the right product? Do you mean by this that there are two identical category structures one for viewing only (a way of recording the correct location of the product) and the other is if the product should say active on a website ready for sale. Then if there is a problem with the product then it can be removed from the sale category and its no longer on the website?

If thats the way to disable products then I suppose after a period of time quite a few would end up in view only categories and a method would be needed to find and list out these products? Something like products not discountinued, with stock in view cateogory only - excuse the ramble just thinking aloud.

Many thanks!

-----Original Message-----
From: "David E Jones" <>
Sent: Thursday, 10 December, 2009 14:38
Subject: Re: Product Status?


The general idea with OFBiz is that a Product may be in various stores, and may 
be active or not in each store.

This is usually done by having a catalog associated with the store, and then view and purchase allow categories (or often the same category for both) associated with each catalog. Then basically the product is "active" as long as the product is in that category, within the from/thru dates configured.

In addition to these there is a flag on the Product entity to discontinue when inventory is out, which is intended for use as you describe (ie for products to no longer carry).


On Dec 9, 2009, at 11:17 PM, Sam Hamilton wrote:

Hi Guys,

I am trying to get my head around product status in OFBiz and its probably because I dont understand the logic behind OFBiz enough that I am not getting it so your help would be most gratefully received!

I am used to ecommerce systems where a product is in the simplest terms either "active" or "disabled" and this controls if the product is on the website or not. Sometimes in the past we have expanded this function to include a status like "clearing stock" to show everyone not to reorder a product because we are about to discontinue it. What I dont understand is how to achieve the same from within OFBiz as it does not seem to have a master product status.

I did find that a specific inventory item has a status id for on hold or defective but this wouldn't stop a new requirement being generated in the system would it?

Thanks for the help

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