The catalog manager searching, and operations based on search results, help a 
lot in this area.

Usually the view/purchase allow categories are actually setup by searching for 
all products in a certain category tree (ie in a category or any of its 
sub-categories) and then adding all of those products to the view/purchase 
allow category.

Finding expired/etc products can also be done with searches.


On Dec 10, 2009, at 7:23 AM, wrote:

> Hi David, 
> Thanks for the reply, I spotted the product discontinue flag now you 
> explained it and thats a great help. 
> I had a look round the demo install but could not see an example of a product 
> categorised in both view and purchase - did I miss the right product? Do you 
> mean by this that there are two identical category structures one for viewing 
> only (a way of recording the correct location of the product) and the other 
> is if the product should say active on a website ready for sale. Then if 
> there is a problem with the product then it can be removed from the sale 
> category and its no longer on the website?
> If thats the way to disable products then I suppose after a period of time 
> quite a few would end up in view only categories and a method would be needed 
> to find and list out these products? Something like products not 
> discountinued, with stock in view cateogory only - excuse the ramble just 
> thinking aloud. 
> Many thanks!
> Sam
> -----Original Message-----
> From: "David E Jones" <>
> Sent: Thursday, 10 December, 2009 14:38
> To:
> Subject: Re: Product Status?
> Sam,
> The general idea with OFBiz is that a Product may be in various stores, and 
> may be active or not in each store.
> This is usually done by having a catalog associated with the store, and then 
> view and purchase allow categories (or often the same category for both) 
> associated with each catalog. Then basically the product is "active" as long 
> as the product is in that category, within the from/thru dates configured.
> In addition to these there is a flag on the Product entity to discontinue 
> when inventory is out, which is intended for use as you describe (ie for 
> products to no longer carry).
> -David
> On Dec 9, 2009, at 11:17 PM, Sam Hamilton wrote:
>> Hi Guys,
>> I am trying to get my head around product status in OFBiz and its probably 
>> because I dont understand the logic behind OFBiz enough that I am not 
>> getting it so your help would be most gratefully received!
>> I am used to ecommerce systems where a product is in the simplest terms 
>> either "active" or "disabled" and this controls if the product is on the 
>> website or not. Sometimes in the past we have expanded this function to 
>> include a status like "clearing stock" to show everyone not to reorder a 
>> product because we are about to discontinue it. What I dont understand is 
>> how to achieve the same from within OFBiz as it does not seem to have a 
>> master product status.
>> I did find that a specific inventory item has a status id for on hold or 
>> defective but this wouldn't stop a new requirement being generated in the 
>> system would it?
>> Thanks for the help
>> Sam

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