For those looking at these the first time, the best file to choose is the 
"AllDiagramsAndTOC_20081030.pdf" file.

After reviewing these files we might want to move the PDF files to a cwiki page 
and attach them to it, and eliminate them from SVN (they are rather large, and 
being binary files can't benefit from revision management). I may also go ahead 
and remove the eomodeld files since they aren't all that useful any more, and 
are also fairly large (lots of files anyway).

I'll be doing this soon in order to avoid all of these files ending up on the 
web site on the next update.

Answers inline...

On Feb 8, 2010, at 10:44 PM, Babu Sreekanth wrote:

> Ruppert,
>   thanks for the documents. To update them, is it possible to post a quick 
> writeup in wiki on
> 1. how to get (updated) emodeled files from ofbiz 

In the WebTools app there is a screen to export eomodeld files for different 
entity groups (ie based on the records in the EntityGroup and related entities).

> 2. how to know the changes in data model from the creation of those files, 
> and how to manually incorporate the changes

There is no use in manually changing the eomodeld files, and I wouldn't 
recommend creating new diagrams based on them either... it would be an ENORMOUS 
amount of work. The finished diagrams you see are the result of hundreds of 
hours of work (if I were to guess I'd say about 500 hours).

> 3. software necessary for transformation into pdf documents in different 
> platforms

As I explained in an earlier message software for the eomodeld files only 
exists in Mac OS X machines (AFAIK anyway). The problem we used for creating 
these diagrams is called "OmniGraffle". The .graffle files that are needed to 
change these diagrams are in SVN, in the site/ofbiz_datamodel/graffle_diagrams 


> ________________________________
> From: Tim Ruppert <>
> To:
> Sent: Mon, February 8, 2010 9:47:13 PM
> Subject: Re: Data Model Diagrams (was Re: Key data model relationship pages 
> in Wiki)
> Anytime my friend - anytime.
> Cheers,
> Ruppert
> --
> Tim Ruppert
> HotWax Media
> o:801.649.6594
> f:801.649.6595
> On Feb 8, 2010, at 7:12 PM, David E Jones wrote:
>> I just checked it out, and it looks good.
>> Thanks again Tim.
>> -David
>> On Feb 8, 2010, at 6:50 PM, Tim Ruppert wrote:
>>> This is complete - under the site under the directory ofbiz_datamodel - 
>>> just as it was in our repo.  David, feel free to move that around wherever 
>>> you like and give everyone a tour of the work that was put in and how much 
>>> this may help them going forward.  Great stuff.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Ruppert
>>> --
>>> Tim Ruppert
>>> HotWax Media
>>> o:801.649.6594
>>> f:801.649.6595
>>> On Feb 8, 2010, at 5:16 PM, David E Jones wrote:
>>>> Cool, sounds great.
>>>> -David
>>>> On Feb 8, 2010, at 6:08 PM, Tim Ruppert wrote:
>>>>> Yeah - I think putting them into SVN would be best - I'll do that later 
>>>>> today.
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Ruppert
>>>>> On Feb 8, 2010, at 3:58 PM, David E Jones wrote:
>>>>>> That's great Tim. Thank you to you, and to Hotwax, for making these 
>>>>>> available. With all of the work on color and adding seed data and such 
>>>>>> that Laurian did these are really great diagrams (well, I guess I am 
>>>>>> biased about that).
>>>>>> I guess the place that makes the most sense for now is attached to a 
>>>>>> page on cwiki. If people start updating too much it might make sense to 
>>>>>> put them in SVN somewhere, or maybe it would be better to start with 
>>>>>> that (in the ofbiz/site directory would probably be best).
>>>>>> -David
>>>>>> On Feb 8, 2010, at 11:03 AM, Tim Ruppert wrote:
>>>>>>> HotWax would love to donate these and the time that went into them from 
>>>>>>> David Jones, John Maw and Laurian Escalanti.  It's a great set of 
>>>>>>> information for people learning or using OFBiz - for those of you at 
>>>>>>> ApacheCon New Orleans, we were handing these out at the booth.
>>>>>>> Be warned that they haven't been updated in about a year, but they do 
>>>>>>> have a ton of useful information that will be an amazing jump start to 
>>>>>>> getting these efforts started up again.  David, just let me know where 
>>>>>>> you'd like them and I'll get them posted and the effort can again be 
>>>>>>> off to the races.
>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>> Ruppert
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Tim Ruppert
>>>>>>> HotWax Media
>>>>>>> o:801.649.6594
>>>>>>> f:801.649.6595
>>>>>>> On Feb 7, 2010, at 2:31 PM, David E Jones wrote:
>>>>>>>> If people are interested in making diagrams there is some stuff build 
>>>>>>>> into OFBiz to export "eomodeld" files. That particular file format can 
>>>>>>>> be imported by a few tools, but mostly on the Mac (my preferred tool 
>>>>>>>> being OmniGraffle). Unfortunately the weeks I put into that code, 
>>>>>>>> organizing the entities into groups, and then creating and organizing 
>>>>>>>> diagrams for the groups, was done while I was part of Hotwax Media so 
>>>>>>>> I don't actually have any rights to the diagrams any more, and I'm not 
>>>>>>>> sure what the situation is with them (a Hotwax rep would have to 
>>>>>>>> answer that I guess).

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