Thanks for the link Hans that all makes sense now. Locally I didn't have any demo data installed so: http://localhost:8080/cmssite/cms/APACHE_OFBIZ_HTML - just gave me a HTTP 404 so I assumed that it was just because it was "Experimental"! It may be worth modifying the wiki page for "slow learners" like me:

We are currently setting up a document which is located inside the OFBiz system. You can access it in using the demo server <> or when you have OFBiz running locally with the url: http://localhost:8080/cmssite/cms/APACHE_OFBIZ_HTML (you need demo data installed for this link to work).

Many thanks,


On 18/05/10 01:11, Hans Bakker wrote:
Hi Chris,

why not look at the documentation in the same help pages on how to
create them? As can be done with any help page look at hem in the
overall view of the same information

To create new help pages:

please be patient with loading, te document is not getting rather big.


On Mon, 2010-05-17 at 22:48 +0100, Christopher Snow wrote:
Ok, I think the following file is no longer used:


If so, I can create a JIRA.

So, should it be removed?

On 17/05/10 22:39, Christopher Snow wrote:
Hi Jacques,

I'm happy creating docbook files in xml and eclipse, but I am a bit
confused with the instructions at
.  It refers to:

- ComponentNameHelpUrls in the main-decorator
- config/ComponentNameHelpUrls.xml

However, the catalog (product) component doesn't have those?  It looks
as though the configuration is done instead using the content
management component with data/ProductHelpData.xml.

Are the instructions at
still valid?  I will take another look tomorrow morning...

Many thanks,


On 17/05/10 22:14, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
I know that

Before this existed I just used my XML editor (Oxygen) in Eclipse. By
chance Oxygen is handling pretty well Docbook, and it's not expensive
(some euros/year)


From: "Christopher Snow"<>
Is there any documentation on writing help pages for the help system?

Many thanks,


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