you can install just the demo data for the help.
look up
ant -p for the install file target.
then just install the demo files you want

BJ Freeman
Strategic Power Office with Supplier Automation 
<> <>

Systems Integrator-- Glad to Assist

Chat  Y! messenger: bjfr33man

Christopher Snow sent the following on 5/17/2010 9:19 PM:
> Thanks for the link Hans that all makes sense now.  Locally I didn't
> have any demo data installed so:
> http://localhost:8080/cmssite/cms/APACHE_OFBIZ_HTML - just gave me a
> HTTP 404 so I assumed that it was just because it was "Experimental"! 
> It may be worth modifying the wiki page for "slow learners" like me:
> We are currently setting up a document which is located inside the OFBiz
> system. You can access it in using the demo server
> <> or
> when you have OFBiz running locally with the url:
> http://localhost:8080/cmssite/cms/APACHE_OFBIZ_HTML (you need demo data
> installed for this link to work).
> Many thanks,
> Chris
> On 18/05/10 01:11, Hans Bakker wrote:
>> Hi Chris,
>> why not look at the documentation in the same help pages on how to
>> create them? As can be done with any help page look at hem in the
>> overall view of the same information
>> To create new help pages:
>> please be patient with loading, te document is not getting rather big.
>> Regards,
>> Hans
>> On Mon, 2010-05-17 at 22:48 +0100, Christopher Snow wrote:
>>> Ok, I think the following file is no longer used:
>>> /applications/product/documents/Product.xml
>>> If so, I can create a JIRA.
>>> So, should it be removed?
>>> On 17/05/10 22:39, Christopher Snow wrote:
>>>> Hi Jacques,
>>>> I'm happy creating docbook files in xml and eclipse, but I am a bit
>>>> confused with the instructions at
>>>> .  It refers to:
>>>> - ComponentNameHelpUrls in the main-decorator
>>>> - config/ComponentNameHelpUrls.xml
>>>> However, the catalog (product) component doesn't have those?  It looks
>>>> as though the configuration is done instead using the content
>>>> management component with data/ProductHelpData.xml.
>>>> Are the instructions at
>>>> still valid?  I will take another look tomorrow morning...
>>>> Many thanks,
>>>> Chris
>>>> On 17/05/10 22:14, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
>>>>> I know that
>>>>> Before this existed I just used my XML editor (Oxygen) in Eclipse. By
>>>>> chance Oxygen is handling pretty well Docbook, and it's not expensive
>>>>> (some euros/year)
>>>>> Jacques
>>>>> From: "Christopher Snow"<>
>>>>>> Is there any documentation on writing help pages for the help system?
>>>>>> Many thanks,
>>>>>> Chris

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