The out-of-the-box mailing lists ("Contact Lists") as implemented in 9.04 don't use the subscription data model entities. The "subscribe" to the NEWSLETTER that you see on the eCommerce landing page is and HTML Form that calls an OFBiz Service (or Event I can't remember) to add a user to a Contact List.

Ruth Hoffman

BJ Freeman wrote:
if you mean a product subscription look at shopping list re-order
if your taking about news letters a little work has to be done on 9.04
I believe they have added the rest since then on 10.4 or trunk.

Jeremiah Christensen sent the following on 8/3/2010 3:52 PM:
Our company provides a paid subscription service. I've not taken a close look at the subscription support in OFBiz yet, but was wondering if anyone has implemented it and if so what your thoughts are about it.

Best Regards,

Jeremiah Christensen

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