I'm now aware of more complexity. The inspector supervisor explained that partial inspections sometimes occur for which parts are moved from a manufacturing dept to an inspection dept that performs partial inspection and then sends to another manufacturing dept that ends up sending the parts to a final inspection dept for full inspection. But if rejects are declared at the final full inspection stage, then the fault is supposed to be applied to the initially manufacturing worker not the intermediate one that performs the work after partial inspection.

I think the TimeEntryAssoc should be extended to handle inspection associations to both the prior manufacturing stage from which the pieces were sent and the manufacturing stage considered at fault for the rejects. Associations between the inspection stage to the prior manufacturing stage is necessary for the inspection dept to determine how many pieces are left to inspect.

I think some field like timeEntryAssocTypeId could be used to distinguish associations of inspection time entries to the prior manufacturing stage from those to the faulty manufacturing stage. TIME_ENTRY_DEPENDENCY could be used to associate the inspection task to the prior manufacturing task and something like TIME_ENTRY_REJECT (with parent TIME_ENTRY_DEPENDENCY) could be used to indicate the faulty manufacturing task.

This would possibly entail a new TimeEntryAssocType entity.

On 02/27/2014 09:06 AM, Christian Carlow wrote:
I suppose the TimeEntryAssoc entity could be extended to include quantityRejected and responsiblePartyId fields to eliminate the need for a separate TimeEntryRejectParty entity.

On 02/27/2014 08:53 AM, Christian Carlow wrote:
After making some progress on this issue by adding the timesheet/timeentry functionality to the production run task declaration services, I've encountered more difficulties implementing the needed functionality. I added a TimeEntryAssoc entity so that inspectors can directly inspect a manufacturing workers prior time entry. I was going to use the TimeEntryAssoc entity to determine the number of bad pieces per manufacturing worker by looking at the inspection timeEntry quantityRejected and extracting the related manufacturing time entry partyId. The problem with this is that sometimes rejected quantity on the inspection ticket might represent faults on the inspectors part rather than the manufacturers such as if the inspector drops parts. For this case the inspector should be considered the one who caused the bad piece not the manufacturer.

To determine the party at fault for rejected pieces it seems there needs to be another entity created to track the info. Maybe something like TimeEntryRejectParty that divides the time entry rejected quantity and applies them to the parties actually responsible for the rejects.

The only alternative I've come up with other than adding a new TimeEntryRejectParty is to assign the faulty partyId to the inventoryItemDetail record that would be created for the by-products declared to account for the rejects. But this method is dependent on by-products always being declared when rejects occur which might not always happen. Therefore it seems creating a dedicated entity like TimeEntryRejectParty is the better method.

Anyone have any thoughts on this issue?

On 02/24/2014 01:37 PM, Christian Carlow wrote:
My last post can be disregarded, splitting the production run declaration into two different forms seems correct. There needs to be a way to relate time entries created from the first form to inventory item details created in the second form so that the types of rejects that were produced from time entries can be determined.

On 02/24/2014 01:05 PM, Christian Carlow wrote:
Is there a reason the two Production Run Declaration (manufacturing/control/ProductionRunDeclaration) forms cannot be combined into a single form? If the first form is used to declare rejections, why can't the by-products products be declared as inventory in the same form instead of having to be done using the second form?

On 02/24/2014 12:36 PM, Christian Carlow wrote:
Another related issue is how to determine the particular rejection reasons. Inspectors may declare rejected pieces as by-products during production run inspection steps that may be capable of rework. The percentage good by employee report mentioned in the previous post also displays the reasons associated with each rejection. Each of the rejection reason codes were converted to individual products within OFBiz, but the problem is how to relate those rejection products declared to the inspector work effort time entries. Adding timeEntryId to the InventoryItemDetail entity seems to provide a way of relating time entries created by production run task declarations. Is anyone against adding timeEntryId to InventoryItemDetail?

On 02/24/2014 12:14 PM, Christian Carlow wrote:
I changed the title to be more clear.

The company ticket system has inspection functionality that allows inspectors to declare multiple types of rejects for the quantity specified on manufacturing tickets. This functionality doesn't seem supported in OFBiz. I've see no way to determine that a worker from a production run inspection task inspected work done by a particular worker in the prior manufacturing step. The company relies on this functionality to generated a percentage good by employee report that analyzes the inspections for rejections and looks at its related manufacturing ticket to determine which manufacturing workers produced rejects.

I created OFBIZ-5532 <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-5532> to allow time entries to be created during production run task declarations. To support the functionality explained above, I think the an extension would be necessary for relating time entries. Something such as TimeEntryAssoc could be created to relate the inspection task time entry to the manufacturing task time entry so that the actual workers and associated quantities could be determined.

On 02/24/2014 11:03 AM, Christian Carlow wrote:
Does anyone know how to track manufacturing rejects by employee? I created a production run containing a first task that represents manufacturing work and a second that represents the inspection work. I need to be able to determine how many bad pieces were caused by the employee associated with the first manufacturing task based on rejection declarations by the employee associated with the second task. The only way I can think of supporting this is to have some relationship between the time entries that relate to the production run tasks.

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